Anyone following this story? If so, what do you think should happen to her?

by flower 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    Personally this story sickens me but as much as I can appreciate being brainwashed in a cult I just cant see doing something like this no matter what God wanted. But then again we believed some pretty crazy things too and how many JW kids died by not taking blood transfusions. I dont know where I stand on this one.

    Testimony Begins In Sect Mother's Murder Trial

    Defense Argues Sect Brainwashed Defendant

    POSTED: 11:37 AM EST January 22, 2004 UPDATED: 7:17 PM EST January 22, 2004

    TAUNTON, Mass. -- The jury in the murder trial of a former Attleboro sect member on Thursday heard how an alert 10-month-old boy allegedly became an incapacitated infant that could no longer crawl.

    Dennis Mingo was the prosecution's first witness in the Superior Court trial of Karen Robidoux (pictured, left), who is charged with second-degree murder in the 1999 starvation death of her infant son, Samuel.

    Mingo testified about the inner workings of the sect and notes he found that described how Samuel was denied food.

    "It just seemed like a miserable time, that he was getting thinner and crying, and not being fed," Mingo testified.

    Earlier in opening statements, prosecutor Walter Shea described how Samuel Robidoux slowly starved over a 51-day period after his parents took him off solid food on the basis of a "vision" from another sect member, who told Karen Robidoux to feed her son only breast milk.

    "She did nothing -- nothing to come to the aid of her child," Shea said.

    The child died three days before his first birthday.

    Defense attorney Joseph Krowski portrayed his client as a woman who was intimidated by and under the control of other members of the sect, including her husband, Jacques.

    "Her frame of reference kept her in that dungeon," Krowski told the jury. "Samuel she fed, and she fed, and she fed until she bled."

    Jacques Robidoux, the son of the sect's founder, was convicted of first-degree murder and is serving a life sentence.

  • imallgrowedup

    Flower -

    This is horrible! No, I've not seen it before, but it sickened me just reading it. I'm not sure what to make of this, only because I can't determine whether the mother was actually complicit, or whether she is simply claiming she was forced. One way or the other, I personally do not believe that anyone should be able to claim religious beliefs as an excuse for someone's death - especially when it involves a child who has no say in the decision. I know that I could NEVER allow my child to die and that in fact, I would be willing to spend eternity in Hell if it meant saving him from a senseless death.

    But that's just my .02!


  • flower

    Yea I hear ya I dont think I could do it either but its kinda scary to think of it because really its no different than allowing a child to die rather than take a blood transfusion. Yea its a bit more traumatic to let the child starve to death but the outcome is the same and look many Jw's have done it.

    Anyway according to the defense woman has been working with a cult deprogrammer for the past two years and is free of the crap now. Wonder how she feels about what she did now. If i had done something like this and then found out that the whole cult was a lie and that I was under mind control I dont think I could live with myself, much less try to get off. That makes me lean towards convicting her for a long long time.

  • mouthy

    Oh flower it is an awful story, But I would have to be convicted because_ as you say I would have let Melanie ( my daughter) die for not having blood. It was only because I thought I was letting Frank( hubby) be the head of the house I allowed him to sign the papers to take blood. ( I know that was a sneaky way to get around it) but if Frank hadnt been there I would have signed NO BLOOD! I think this poor soul is not worse than all of Hitler's men who disposed of Jews thinking they too were obeying God. To persecute them!!!!She will probably kill herself ....I would!!!

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