Greetings from Tokyo

by Thirdson 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    I know this is not JW related (although, "if you would like to remain standing while we read a few announcements" will be familiar to many who had to stand up while greetings were read from unknown people)...but anyway I'd like to send my greetings.

    I won't have much chance to read many threads or likely respond to this one until I return. For my sins I am visiting Tokyo this week. It is a very interesting experience to say the least. 12 1/2 hours on a plane is no fun but that's about the worst of the trip. Tokyo skies were mainly blue today and we (my Minnesota colleague and I) think it is very warm. It was a bit of a short notice trip but Mrs Thirdson has been coaching me in Japanese etiquette so I won’t make too many faux pas and will apologize even when not necessary just to be polite.

    Will be viewing the board when I can, will return Friday afternoon and get back home Firday morning.



  • Brummie
    "if you would like to remain standing while we read a few announcements"


    Tokyo? hey cant you keep still for 2 minutes? lol. Glad to see you getting around, have a blast


    Thirdson: I know only all too well, travelling across the Pacific Ocean, more than a few times, what a 12 hour flight is all about.

    My longest flight ever: 13 hours and 25 minutes (Vancouver, BC., to Hong Kong)

    I wasn't even done at Hong Kong. I had to catch a connecting flight to Manila.

    Hope you are enjoying the so-called 'culture shock', which I found quite refreshing.

    Let us know when you are back in the state of 'Canadian accents'.

  • mouthy

    I had to sit down 3rd.... But you enjoy yourself while your there ....Whew!!!! Long flights. You too Razor. You all must have big bucks to do that much travling.

  • nilfun

    Neat! Hope you have a great time, and have a safe trip

  • Sassy

    Have an awesome time! Take pictures and share with us later!!

  • mpatrick

    Hello Thirdson! Glad to hear you are doing so well...what an experience! Enjoy and come home safe!


    Michelle ( from

  • Valis

    Cool! I always wanted to go to Tokyo! Say hello to Godzilla and Mothra for me will you?


    District Overbeer of the "Sake BOMB!" class

  • Thirdson

    Hi all,

    I must have missed the worst of rush-hour on Monday but the subway ride today was quite an experience. I didn't think I was going to find any room on the train because of the mass of people in front of me. However, the force of the flow pushed me on and at least another 10 people followed behind. I had nothing to hold on to but the shear mass of bodies meant I was not going to fall over either. Although you feel its crowded on trains and in elevators everyone is very, very polite.

    My trip is going well and in many ways is better than I thought it would be. I haven't run out of business cards yet but I am well through the freshly printed pack I brought with me.

    More another time I get the chance.


  • Panda

    thirdson, in Asia there is always a mass of humanity around you. I never stayed long in Tokyo, just overnight at a Narita hotel. But I've taken the 18 hr flight to Beijing from Houston... not fun. Although if someone offered me a free ticket I'd suffer through it again. Enjoy your time. Isn't it wonderful to learn about people?!!

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