Who is best at silencing the competition?

by Anna Marina 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    WT media covers over child abuse and they like to silence those who expose their lies.

    Silicone Valley has it's own agenda too and they want to silence the competition.

    Seems freedom of speech is fine so long as you agree with the people who run Silicone Valley. And if you dare to say 'love your neighbour as yourself' you must allow those in charge of Silicone Valley to define the words. Not Jesus Christ.


    Do you remember when social media was frowned on in the congregations. Then there was a sudden change of mind and we were all encouraged to start using out tablets and mobile devices. Wonder what changed? Did the WT media company suddenly realise this was an easy way to deplatform/silence those opposed to it?

  • Overrated

    Watchtower is the King of fake and silent news.


    If things don’t change there will be a “Great Tribulation” of some kind. There are too many people who will not put up with this for long.


  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Hilarious thing Reddit users did on Tuesday to a hedgefund called Melvin Capital

    Melvin took out a loan to bet on the price of a stock going down.He was shorting a company called GameStop (GME).

    So Reddit users pushed the price up and up and up.

    Now Melvin has to pay up.

    He liquidates his assets but it isn't enough.

    He declares bankrupcy.

    The bank he got the load from is on the hook for his bad decisions. If they can't pay it back, because the Reddit users keep driving the price up, they go bankrupt.

    Then the bigger bank will be on the hook and so and so forth all the way up to the fed.

    The federal government of the United States may literally have to print money to buy GameStop back from a bunch of Reddit users.

    The powers that be are not happy. This is what one headline is saying

    Wall Street traders are currently raging, as online "degenerates" successfully execute a massive short squeeze of GameStop, forcing hedgefunds to be bailed out for billions of dollars


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