How you want to get disfellowshipped

by ivanatahan 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ivanatahan

    I was inspired by an amazing topic I read earlier, particularly about what some people did when their shunning was announced. How would you guys celebrate such an honor? Or, if you already have a great story to share about what you did during your announcement, please share!

    Based on my favorite experiences, I'd probably want to stand up from my seat, scream loudly out of happiness while pointing my middle finger at the auditorium, telling everyone to f*ck off. Then I'd get into my car, blast "Goodbye" by Steam, all while screaming "I'm FREE". Hopefully, I'll convince everyone of my "mental disease" and interrupt the audience, inspiring various rumors and gossip for months or even years to come. I think it isn't that bad.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    How would you want to get disfellowshipped? A lot of people would agree...while having an orgasm!
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I'm sorry...correction...a lot of people would agree....they want to die while having an orgasm!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    You know what....on second thought it would be awesome to have the longest orgasm while listening to the announcement of one's being disfellowshipped from the WTBTS!

  • talesin

    JW GoneBad Good one!

    La petite mort is what the French call orgasm - "the little death". : ))


    I wish I would have been more (hmmm, how to say it ... oh, yes) BRAZEN when I was younger. I would have dressed 'to the nines', stood up and said "NO. I disfellowshipped YOU years ago - too late, suckers!"

    (I have 'hand' a la George Costanza)

    (never said fukk until I was in my late 20s - cussing was considered declasse in my family, and it was real work, learning to swear when it's appropriate, so 'suckers': P )

  • talesin

    Ivanatahan - blasting Freddie Mercury singing "I Want to Break Free" on my 8-track as I peel out of the parking lot.

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