A poem my daughter wrote

by noidea 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    This is a poem that my daughter (age 15) wrote and entered into poetry.com. It will be published in a book. She is soooooooooo excited. She has always loved writing. It's a little dark I guess from all those years of being a dub. I wonder if she was thinking about some of the elders in our old cong when she was speaking of the evil spirits?

    They're Coming

    As darkness falls I see the eyes of doom

    come out of hiding to finish off the world

    that is dying.

    The hearts of young children

    are breaking and all love is fading.

    I can hear glass breaking as the evil sprits come

    one by one, they're taking what they came

    for, which is nothing more and nothing less

    then love, peace, and happiness.

    Ashli Lauren Richardson

    Copyright ©2003 Ashli Lauren Richardson

  • SixofNine

    Wow, that is dark, Paula. It's also very good, with clever flow and pacing, and not too much of that goddam rhyming shit that lessers like myself* resort to. And that compliment is from someone who cringes whenever people share poetry, lol.

    I found a poem on my computer once, that I assumed my daughter, or maybe even my mom, had copied and saved for some reason. It was a romantic poem about being in love, and I thought it was very good (keeping in mind that I don't like poetry, lol). I thought to ask T about it later (this was when she was 7), and she said, "yeah, I wrote it". Neither I or her mother really have much of a clue about that part of her; I simply don't know the part of her it came from, to this day.

    *no really, I mean me, myself, I

  • Tatiana

    It's beautiful, noidea. Congrats to your daughter. She has talent.

    Nice to see you BTW.

  • Happythoughts

    I agree with Tatiana, your daughter really does have talent!

  • outnfree

    It's fabulous, noid! Please tell Ashli I enjoyed it very much.

    Can't wait to see you both later this month!



  • Aztec

    I'm impressed! I wish I could write like that.


  • Surreptitious

    Noidea, you look far too young to have a daughter old enough to write, let alone write poetry......

  • frenchbabyface

    Ooooooooh (beautiful and sensitive) CONGRATS !!! Ashli Lauren

    ENCORE !!! ENCORE !!! ENCORE !!! (encore = again)

  • noidea

    <---------beams with pride Brenda, Ashli won't be making it this year..seems my X has a camping trip planned for the same weekend..*go figure. She decided to go with him because she gets to spend more time with me and thinks it would hurt his feelings if she doesn't..not only a poet but diplomatic as well.

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