(Soon to be) an Extinct Species?

by dutyfree 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • dutyfree

    JWs all over the world will not be happy bunnies to hear that the number is falling, especially is countries like Germany, Japan and Canada. Currently standing at just over 6 million, we could be down to 5m by the end of next year!!

    Any guesses as to how long before we are rid of these pseudo-religous people and they are made extinct, like the dinosaurs?

  • Stephanus

    I don't think the overall numbers will go backwards anytime soon. There's still the third world. Numerical growth there will continue to obscure the backwards growth of the 'Tower in wealthier countries.

    Still, the pressures on the Tower are mounting. The next decade or two will see the "turning point", whatever that will be.

  • buffalosrfree

    Yeah, though we shall walk through the valley of death (the local kingdom hall) Psalms 23 will take on a whole new meaning. Like the dinosaurs the Jehovah Witnesses too my pass into obscurity. Numbers being down from 1st world countries, the sheer magnitude of expenses that the society is going to endure due to third world increases may be debilitating. but those greedy sots will probably let the third world jdubs sink who knows. LIke the pet rock I for one look forward to the society passing into history from bull manure to dust so to speak. Buff

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