Accepted by the click

by CaptK 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptK

    Hello ....Has anyone ever noticed that among the Witnesses there is a certain un-written rules that you must do in order to be accepted and then it may only last a few years. At my hall it was attend all your meetings, be regular out in service on the weekends, give talks in the school, always praise the elders, have proper dress and grooming. Nobody really cared if you are forced to work meeting nights, going back to school to keep up with your job, not putting in the quota of hours in the field, etc, etc. It seems if you are doing the later you are just dropped big time as if you recieved the mark as a bad example. On the other hand someone else could not even be working, padding his time for field service, giving talks that someone else had put together, etc, etc. Yet these individuals get promoted to Ms or Elder over time, are accepted by the established click of freinds, and are treated with respect in the circle of freinds at the hall. In reality these ones are not examples to the flock. What happened to the hospitality that is suppose to be shown to all, the encouragement that everybody needs from time to time. It seems that something is lacking or did I miss the boat in the click network?

  • Xandria

    Gawd does this sound like a episode of "Square Pegs" .. Just click with the right click and then you are in.

    X. (of the forever a square peg class)

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Reminds me of a good old Aussie song "Clique go the shears boys, clique, clique, clique"

    cheeses - wondering what that clicking noise could possibly be.

  • garybuss

    Good post CaptK,

    What of you think of the claim by the Society that:

    1... they are divinely directed and that they alone are the only channel Jehovah is using on the whole earth?

    2... the seven trumpets of revelation predicted the seven district assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1920's?

    3... the term "generation" no longer applies to the Witnesses born before 1914?

    I can connect my questions to your post with your answers. Thanks GaryB

  • freedom96

    The witnesses try to say that they are so much different than anyone else.

    The fact is, that they are just like everyone else. You will find cliques in every group of people, regardless of who they are, or what they represent. You cannot change human nature. But, one can look at that and choose not to participate. I never had time for those who thought that they were better than anyone else.

  • Maverick

    The road to success in Dud-dom is the same as the road to success in any corporation. Love of God and Christ has nothing to do with it. You play the game, hang with the right people, marry the bosses daughter,( Elders daughter) suck up and step on the right backsides and you got it, baby! Some of the most incompetent morons I have ever known made it to the Bigs, both with the Company and the Dud-corporation! Maverick

  • Blueblades

    Captk,exactly! You could be leading a double life,as long as your performing,dancing to the devil's tune,your in the "IN-CROWD".


  • simplesally

    You are a good dub even if you are on welfare (hey the system allows you to be on it for 2 years, and if the system allows it.........its ok) and decide to pioneer. Oh my, the sacrifice of not working in order to pioneer and then get hand-outs from the appreciative congregation.

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