Poem about shunning.

by R1001 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • R1001

    The shunning

    He places the smiles

    wherever politeness asks,

    Raising the shame

    from his heart,

    to a laugh.

    and he updates you

    on his business,

    and other such

    small talk masks.

    But you clear your throat

    and with a bitter tut

    and quite a loathsome tone

    you say:

    'we don't want to be

    in the paradise without you son

    you're hurting mum .'

    'and armageddons coming

    so HURRY UP

    Just Get back in God's love,

    you're missing out on us son

    It'll be too late

    when I'm gone.'

    And the son recalls

    that sad frown

    when your head bowed

    and blamed the victim.

    When you told him

    ' we're going to have to

    shun you,

    Corinthians says rid

    the wicked man from among you and

    you've read an apostate book,

    let one case of abuse

    turn your back on the truth and god disapproves.'

    I want to say to you

    'can't you see,

    can't you just see

    how else

    this could be perceived :

    you gave birth

    to a belief in him

    he should have the right

    to leave it

    Without risk

    to the only life ever

    permitted him.'

    But you'd say :

    ' well we only guide

    the children,

    then they can change their mind

    Their beliefs are not mine. '

    Can't you see though

    the kids were only allowed

    to love your kind

    and babies believe

    what their parents say is right!

    I know the elders say,

    to shun invites faith

    And so to keep him away

    Is the strongest care

    But why should a man decide

    the pain you

    and your children can bear?

    Ah you say these men have

    the authority of God

    But now we know

    That so did wars,

    And so do the rest

    of the world.

    and the split second choice

    they make,

    That's 8 million lives at stake .

    And I wish I could say that to

    Be without you

    is just not a choice that WE have made.

    But I can't.

    If I say these things

    you'll see nothing in me

    but my moderate sins

    and you'd ask

    what on earth

    has happened to me

    since I turned 15.

    And I love you all so much but

    You don't trust my love

    And your broken lips

    shut the truth too much.

    Every moment spoken

    you push it aside

    with a grip

    on repetitious slogans,

    can't see what's there

    without pre conceived phrases .

    You stuff your doubts

    with pride in these teachings.

    And if critique contradicts

    your beliefs

    You squint your head

    And your eyes twitch

    When the truth speaks.

    You moisten and swallow

    Hoarse absolutes

    with kind sentiment

    And i know your intentions are good

    But you call blackmail

    something different.

    The thing is that

    I thirst for other

    ways to listen

    Before I depart

    But watch you loves of mine

    After decades

    Still waiting for

    The next life to start,

    still standing there crying


    'Stop drinking

    Start believing

    Stop hurting

    Start believing

    So I can see you

    once a year again.'

    But this is the way

    To keep us all Christian

    And too many pains are at stake

    too many sacrifices

    Have been made

    to admit your life

    As a mistake.

  • R1001

    Sorry this is quite negative, but a positive poem is on the way too :)

    please let me know what you think as i'm nervous to have posted it and would love to know!

  • smiddy3

    Welcome to the forum R1001 , your poem was bloody long but I got to the end ,and there was a lot to commend it ,a few home truths and it certainly had a message in it.

    Tell us a little about yourself (without divulging too much that would identify you ) Do you see yourself as a poet ?

    or is it just a hobby ? are you a teenager ? What has been your experiences with the JW`s and what do you hope to acheive by joining this forum ? Their is a wealth of valuable information on here about the JW religion that is not available at a KH so feel free to ask anything you want .

    And as I said welcome R1001

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    You have a lot of truth in that poem. What most have gone thru and more will go thru. I don't find it negative, it's just your experience and frustration and sadness.

    Keep writing.

  • R1001

    Thanks for reading the whole thing :) Yeah, i've been encouraged to finally own up to the term poet as i'm performing a little! I'm 20 years old now,was brought up in the jw's but left at 17 after reading christopher hitchens 'god is not great' and 'apostate' websites, a big step at the time! I was very confused when I left and a lot of the thinking patterns have stayed (the catastrophising, slippery sloping) but that's what art has helped with :) I'm very lucky in that all my siblings left but the rest of the family are still in, expecting me back any day i bet. what about you? I found a website yesterday called jw support which was so so lovely, there are loads of kind people on it and through that just ended up here :) i wanna just see how everyone is and occasionally delve in. no need to reply the length of my response.

  • R1001

    thanks a lot ,days of future passed. if only it were illegal again!

  • Tricked

    Your poem really touched me. I’d like to read more of your poems and find out more of your story.

    I hope you find freedom as I know having family ties makes it harder to completely break free mentally. Glad to hear that your siblings also managed to leave - must be good to have people that understand your experience. Happy for you all and wishing you all the best J.

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