Judge Rules in favor of WTS

by Tron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tron

    Hi everyone,

    I was Reading the paper and saw that the judge ruled that the City of Blainville Quebec cannot charge JW`s 100$ if they dont have a permit to solicite new members, but did state that they should not disturb people after 7:30pm and on weekends.They won there case due to reilgous freedom.What about my FREEDOM to be free of them!!

    Well let me tell you if I need to find religion I will go to there KH,I dont need them at anytime knocking at my door.

    Yes Yes I know they say cause the Bible saysJesus and his Apostles went out and spread the good news door to door...Well my answer to that is....That was Then this is Now ,there are different methods of harrasing people today without having to go to there homes and disturb them. "ADVERTISE ON TV & ON THE INTERNET,the WTS should start spending some of that stock pile of cash they collect from everyone and use it that way,besides they should be taking care of the sick and poor if they are truly a people of God who is supposed to show compasion like Jesus!


  • Scully

    Hi Tron:

    I wonder what would happen if every resident of Blainville sent a notarized letter to the congregation there (with a copy to Georgetown) saying that they want to be put on the Do Not Call list, or else have the police called and have the JWs who call at their homes charged with harassment?

    Love, Scully

  • Tron

    Hi Scully,

    Yeah thats something they should put in the news paper,cause I do not think people know that there is a DO Not Call List if it got out,there probably wouldnt be a JW going Door to Door again.


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    People on the do not call "list" still get called on occasions by the service overseer to see if they still feel that way or if the person has moved.

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