2014 master thesis about JWs LOYALITY

by fastJehu 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fastJehu

    Interesting (internet) finding ... after all the bunker videos on the 2016 RC.

    This master thesis tries to comprehend the concept of loyalty within the Jehovah’s Witnesses movement. What does ‘loyalty’ mean to Jehovah’s Witnesses?


  • careful

    This should be of interest to slimboyfat. I'll try to find the time to read it too.

  • Mephis

    Quickly skimmed. Written by a non-believing but sympathetic wife of a JW. She views them as kind and caring and loving people. The problems she has of seeing the kind, caring and loving individuals and not being able to split them from their obnoxious belief systems is evident all the way through.

    She's very mistaken if she thinks valid criticism of Penton is that he looks to pre-2000 publications for information, or that he just hates JWs so his work is tainted on that basis. She also somehow tries to excuse the totalitarian methods of the WBTS because God's a totalitarian authority. Say wut? Oh and disfellowshipping isn't that common because there's about 40,000 a year across 80,000 congregations and besides it's a tiny proportion of the 15m members (!!). So not really something to worry about then.

    Thanks for the link. Will read in greater detail when I have more time. There seems some fair points made in the aspects of where JW loyalty to things come from, even if she is unable to fit it within the framework of 'why good people do really terrible things for a religion'.

  • Vanderhoven7

    There is a clear lack of objectivity in Suzanne's Masters Thesis and an equally clear presence of feigned objectivity.

  • smiddy

    If Mephis and Vanderhoven7 `s point of view is anything to go by , and I respect these guys Judgement`s and what I have glimmered , She is a very misguided woman , clouded by her loyalty ? to her Husbands misguided beliefs and has no real knowledge or of the impact of what JW`s or baptized Jehovah`s Witnesses are subjected to , if they question the teachings of the Governing Body

    Shunning :, of wives and husbands , Children and Parents , and relatives , break up of family`s

    Break up of Family`s , no contact with them . even children ,relatives , brothers /sisters etc.

    Brothers and sisters cut off association with each other and with parents and vice versa.

    Cut off of all association by friends you have grown up with your whole entire life , simply because you no longer want to be a Jehovah`s Witness , and abide by their rules.



    Very apologist and the proof-reading of the Grammar is pretty bad for a Masters Thesis - lots of errors.

    Also there are no real conclusions drawn that could be regarded as new / remarkable / food for thought etc

    Especially biased are her views regarding the "errors" that WT have made - as brought out in the Walsh Case - as being no big deal and an almost natural consequence of being imperfect men ! ?

    It is therefore no surprise that she admits to having been at odd with James Pentons works on certain issues.

  • Vidiot

    Mephis - "She also somehow tries to excuse the totalitarian methods of the WBTS because God's a totalitarian authority."

    Well... let's be honest... :smirk:

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I wonder if this thesis was originally written in English. It seems this may be an imperfect translation from another language (Dutch?). There are grammar and spelling errors as well as odd word usages and unusual phrasings. Even speaking strictly from an editorial standpoint, I don't consider this to be Master's Thesis-level work.

    That aside, the reasoning is demonstrably non-objective. As someone else mentioned, it seems like the author secretly, perhaps subliminally, wants to be a JW apologist. I don't think she ever gets around to the crux of the matter: that JW's equate loyalty to the organization with loyalty to God. Even worse, they seek to define loyalty as unquestioning obedience. The two terms do not mean the same thing, and are not truly interchangeable.

    This thesis would be greatly improved if it contrasted what the Society says about its not breaking up families on its website and what its followers are actually taught at the 2016 loyalty-themed conventions going on right now. There is a shocking difference, and the examples they hold up as the "right" thing to do in certain circumstances are appalling. This blatant, or should I say brazen, institutionalized hypocrisy should be exposed as widely and as often as possible.


    2014 master thesis about JWs LOYALITY

    JWs Loyalty to Friends and Family..


  • Earnest

    The thesis is genuine. Her supervisor was Prof. Dr. E.G.E. van der Wall, Professor of the Culture and History of Christianity since 1992, and past dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies at Leiden University.

    An abstract of the thesis is provided:

    In 'Loyal to Jehovah's Good News' the author tries to come to a closer understanding of the concept of loyalty using loyalty among Jehovah's Witnesses as a case-study. Within the thesis the teachings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on the concept of loyalty are studied, and manifestations of loyalty among Jehovah's Witnesses are studied within three practical examples namely their doorstep ministry, their neutrality, and their refusal of blood transfusion. With the case-study of Jehovah's Witnesses in mind the author shows loyalty could be seen as the prime motivator of religious behaviour within the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the author comes to a better defintion of the concept of (religious) loyalty in general. In addition, the author introduces other motivators of religious behaviour and argues that more research in necessary.

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