Who says the "Evil Slave" is hypothetical? We, The Dallas Theological Seminary, say so, that's who!

by DATA-DOG 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Jesus asked, "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave.." Maybe he didn't know?? Well, don't worry! Even though Jesus didn't cite any sources, DD figured it out! Enjoy!! 

    Evidently, "The Faithful Slave", isn't just the Governing Body of the WTBTS, feeding the many with their pudgy hands. The DTS, Dallas Theological Seminary, must also make up the composite/singular FDS. Why? The members of the DTS are the "some bible scholars" who insist that the "Evil Slave" is hypothetical!

    Thats right! The nu-light from Jeehibbity-hop which all JWs must believe and preach is actually from the NET Bible scholars who are, for the most part, based at the DTS! If the nu-light is correct, and Jeehoober used the DTS to distribute spiritual food at the proper time, then the GB cannot claim the title of FDS!

    It seems that Geoffrey Jackson was correct when he told the Australian Royal Commission that claiming to be God's sole channel would be presumptuous. LOL!

    Yep, O'l Jeehobo has resorted to using worldly scholars from false religious seminaries ( Higher Education = Gun in mouth ) to reveal nu-light!

    If the "some bible scholars" are wrong, then the "Evil Slave" must be real.

    You know, I've always heard that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off, was making people believe he didn't exist.

    Question: Who benefits from the belief that the "Evil Slave" doesn't exist?




  • oppostate
    Based on the fewest assumptions, Occams razor, would indicate those who say the Evil Slave is merely hypothetical are themselves the real Evil Slave. Qui bono?

    True dat!

    DD 🍺

  • Phizzy

    The whole thing is a parable addressed to individual Christians so they ask themselves "What sort of follower of Christ am I ?".

    How come some people see more than just a parable here, but not in all the other Parables ?


    True, Phizzy. I just wanted to find out who the scholars mentioned in the WT magazine were. The WTBTS gave no sources, so I had to research it myself.

    So, if anyone needs the info, here it is. The GB got their nu-light from "false religious" scholars who are deeply involved in Satan's system of higher education.

    Does anyone still trust the GB?



    I'm not some newbie who thinks everyone should read my posts...but doesn't anyone think this is.....a big deal??

    I know the WTBTS is corrupt, but one of their biggest doctrinal changes ( perhaps the biggest when you consider the big picture ) came from the NET Bible Scholars of the Dallas Theological Seminary!

    Who the hell are the DTS scholars? Are they some group of Bible gurus? They must be for the GB to seek their counsel!

    Do you understand the mindset required for the WTBTS to even go through the trouble ( or realize the need ) to "clarify" this matter??!!

    Why in THE HELL would the WTBTS even bother to imagine that the identity of the "Evil Slave" needed to be clarified at all??!!! Think about it...


  • xjwsrock

    It looks like another case of justifying their position after the fact.

    The GB decided it was more convenient to have the evil slave explained away as hypothetical instead of risk the obvious question of whether they were possibly the evil slave themselves. Instead of letting that explanation just hang there in the wind, they found some "bible scholars" to back it up to help it appear more legitimate.

    I agree with you on the hypocrisy of bringing in wordly satanic scholars as some sort of authority.

    If you wrote this BS in a novel, nobody would publish it. JW reality is stranger than fiction.

  • smiddy


    " doesn`t anyone think this is a big deal ?"

    Probably no more than the fact that the WT /JW/ / GB , accepted the same Bible cannon as that of apostate Christians in the 3rd/4th Centuries .

    Think about that 



    Yeah, you're right. I'm just extra disgusted with the cult right now. A couple more oldtimers have kicked the bucket in my area. No BIG A in sight.

    The level of delusion just makes me sick. I want to scream, " DIE F***ING CULT!! DIE!!!!"

    DD 😕

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