My Pseudo-Education Hasn't Hurt Me None, I Can Still Read the Writing on King Belshazzar's Wall~Part III

by TMS 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TMS

    Before I go to extreme south Texas, let me acknowledge an early influence that gave me self-worth, self-assurance, self-esteem and the feeling that I was as good as any damn person on this planet.

    Larry Ranch, my Congregation Servant in Renton, Washington(home of Boeing Aircraft), was on my dad's judicial committee. My dad had sexually molested my sister, Sandy, repeatedly. My dad got probation from the judicial committee. He should have been disfellowshipped. Repentent? My sister had to keep her room barricaded years after the initial offenses to prevent "dad" from raping her. Sandy, to this day, is as loyal and faithful a JW as you will find.

    But, more on Larry Ranch. Brother Ranch worked for Smith Brothers Dairy in Renton. On weekends he drove a Mercury Station wagon in field service as if it were a milk truck, racing to the door and then hitting hard on the brakes. Someone would get out of the car and share the JW message. He had the Ford "Ranch Wagon" insignia added to the chrome. Ranch was a true believer. I've seen on the internet how he engaged in religious debates and seminars and promoted the JW religion until his death in 2002. This guy, despite the flawed belief system, treated me and my sister as if we were something of substance. He praised me as if I were a genius, JW extraordinaire and good guy.

    Between Larry Ranch and Joe B. Barnett, despite no college, I had enough self-esteem to accomplish anything.

    Oh, BTW, Ranch had three kids, Christine, Cathy and Daniel, all senior citizens now. Cathy, I would have married you and you likely me, but how would that have worked out now with me an evil apostate?

  • dothemath

    Always interesting to read people's backgrounds, yours is an extreme example.

    Hard to understand how your sister could stay in after all that!

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I have a sister like that. Molested by our elder father (presiding overseer when he was finally outed). He got a slap on the wrist. She's still a uber dub. They go to the same Hall. Neither talk to me.

    No Apologies

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Yes there were some real people in that era. I am 70 and veiewed the generation proir as indeed the greatest generation in this country. Those who went through the great depression, WW 2. Those were the people who made the JW religion respectable. In the JW community there were individuals [both men and women] who were the father and mother figures. It was said somewhere " it takes a village to raise a boy OR girl" and it was folks like Larry who left their mark on us 'baby boomers'.

    But all that has been eroded by the "obedience to the organization mantra". The WTBS is now a "system" and those who know how to work a system are the elders who leave their mark on the younger generation. Big diffrence between how those of us 'baby bomers' turned out, having ' Larry Ranch's' as father figures compared with the present day crop of JW young adults.

    that was a neat post, Thanks

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