Yes, As a Matter of Fact I Did Destroy Your Family

by Sea Breeze 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    And..... there is not a damn thing you can do about it because Freedom of Religion is guaranteed in the constitution. Suck it up Buttercup.

    - Would make a nice Billboard

  • StephaneLaliberte

    While I don't hold them accountable for all of the harm my family suffered, I can say that they certainly contributed a great deal to it. As I still have a fair relationship with some of my JWs relatives, I have held back a great deal on my activism against them. I just hope that I'll live long enough to take actions once these relatives pass away.

    I know, this is not a heroic stand, however, my relationship with my relatives is still more important than speeking up for the moment.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    well--now lets see.

    i cut any remaining contact with the cult in 1981. within 5 years my growing kids cut all contact with me.

    the youngest--son--now age 42--ive not seen since. i dont know anything about him--but i think he has a family of his own--which ive never met..dont know their names etc.

    the oldest--my daughter---now 49--i did speak to face to face 5 years ago--to implore her to visit her grand-dad ( my father )--a faithful dub till he died the following year. she never did--i presume she shunned him because i was in close contact with him --i was all he had. ( she lived less than a mile away from him.) She has 4 daughters--ive never met any of them.

    the middle one--my older son--now 44 was d/fd about 10 years back. we have a good-close--normal father and son relationship. however his own mother ( my first wife ) shuns him totally--no contact at all. shes never met his 5 year old boy--her grandchild. theres another on the way soon.

    this is entirely the fault of the watchtower shunning policy--exacerbated by the control freaks that blindly follow its rules.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Name a religion that intentionally lies and deceives people, exploits and manipulates peoples for labor and money, causes families to break up as well marriages and relationships and indirectly instigates people to commit suicide ?

    Here's one that comes to mind

    ....... Jehovah's Witnesses

  • tiki

    Sad commentary....they tout how happy and loving they are, yet the reality is spiteful disdain and dysfunctional relationships.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Yes, As a Matter of Fact I Did Destroy Your Family.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    stan livedeath: I am so sorry for the turmoil the WT caused in your family. It's downright shameful how people will allow religious leaders to dictate how they must treat relatives who dare to want to leave the JWs. I would be mortally embarrassed for anyone to know I'd never met my grandchildren or spoken to my adult children for years. Especially over something so stupid and ridiculous as a difference in religious beliefs.

  • Phizzy

    "And..... there is not a damn thing you can do about it because Freedom of Religion is guaranteed in the constitution. Suck it up Buttercup."

    Things are changing, Courts and, to a lesser extent, Governments, are coming around to the view that freedom to practice your Religion NEVER trumps the Human Rights of others.

    The more this takes hold, the harder the JW Org, and other similarly noxious religions, will find it to practice Shunning.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    under the radar14 hours ago

    stan livedeath: I am so sorry for the turmoil the WT caused in your family. It's downright shameful how people will allow religious leaders to dictate how they must treat relatives who dare to want to leave the JWs. I would be mortally embarrassed for anyone to know I'd never met my grandchildren or spoken to my adult children for years. Especially over something so stupid and ridiculous as a difference in religious beliefs.

    i'm open about it--most of my friends and non-jw family know the score. And my d/f son's extended family know about his.

    He has 2 teenage kids from his first JW wife--i met them once--13 years ago. They didnt know who i was. He has pretty well lost contact with them now--after spending over 40 grand over the years in legal fees trying to keep contact with them

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