My self control is failing

by kairos 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos

    I see JW posts on FB all the time.
    They say crazy things based on ignorance.

    For example:

    Regarding the Prince article in People Magazine, they are saying "we aren't a church".

    I want so badly to come in and mention that GB member Jackson referred to the JW org as a church over and over under sworn testimony at the ARC.
    The JWs do not lock down their security settings and allow commenting on their 'public posts'. They need a taste of TTATT

    One of the comments was this:

    How awesome. Can't wait to meet him

    Seriously? He just died and you want to be in line to meet him after his Resurrection?

    Here in Napa, where these JWs live, many "loyal and faithful ones" have died in recent years.
    No posts about them to be found.

  • kairos

    I want to do activist work.

    It's either that or move away from Napa.
    I cannot go anywhere in this town without spotting JWs, their homes and businesses.

    I have a tremendous amount of free time and I know where they all take their breaks, set up the lit carts and the routes to and from the assemblies and meetings. Wouldn't it be something if instead of me seeing them and feeling bad about how they treat their fellow man, they will have to run and hide to protect their brainwashed minds from the 'evil, mentally diseased apostate' that points out the quotes found in their own WT libraries...

    I may need some 'back-up'.

  • joe134cd
    Honestly I think you are far more effective and will reach more people by using the Internet.
  • joe134cd
    You should not only tell them we are a church but also a hierarchical religion just like the catholic church.That will really blow their mind. Lol
  • Lieu

    Of course it's a "Church". Church, Congregation, etc all mean the same thing. Translated from the original Greek it means a group of people, not a building.

    CHURCH (Gk. ekklēsia) #1577: The Greek term simply means “an assembly.” It was used in secular Greek to speak of any gathering of people to a political or festive assembly, and used by the NT writers to mean a local assembly of believers, or the whole body of believers. Within the local church in each city there were probably several “assemblies” or “meetings” of believers, held in various homes.

    This is what happens when we don't pay attention in English class; we miss out on that whole synonyms thing. Using a synonym does not change what something is.

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