Watchtower staff negotiating with Cuban governmental officials - picture

by Gorbatchov 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Maybe not relevant today, here a picture of staff negotiating with Cuban governmental officials

    in the 90's, from my deep storage archive.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    I am not in anyway calling you a liar, but do you have any way of providing some authentication or context to this?
  • LevelThePlayingField
    Yeah, Gorb, who's who and where?
  • Hecce

    This was a true event, it goes back to the negotiations with the Cuban Government asking for the relaxation of the persecution of the JWs; it goes back to the 90s, maybe 1997.

    Loesch, Barry and Barr were there and I think that Awake has a report on this matter.

  • Gorbatchov

    The source is simple: I cut and paste the picture during my late '90 internet connection.

    There was some witness who did a Bethel tour at Patterson and published his pictures of the

    tour on the net. One of the pictures was of the legal office and this picture was hanging on a wall.

    I just cut and paste it, knowing it could be for later use. So the source is the legal staff at Patterson.

    This picture openend my eyes about the Society.

    Later the United Nation connections and other political ties confirmed my opinion.

  • Hecce

    Previous posts on the visit with the Awake reference.

    As to the picture, it seems like it was here in the State preparing for the visit, if I remember Awake has some actual pictures with the Cuban authorities.

    dos vedanya Gorby

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