Bob Hope died last night.

by Ravyn 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ravyn

    Death of the Wittiest Bard

    He stung us with humor

    When the bullets flew and the bombs fell

    When we needed it most in humorless wars

    We had to laugh, he was laughing.

    He brought Hope and morale

    Into bloody trenches and jungles

    On frontlines, over enemy tunnels

    We had to laugh, he was laughing.

    He served his country one laugh at a time and we all laughed with him.

    We will never laugh again quite so loudly or freely

    Or innocently at his silliness and burlesque—it is for other venues now.

    Will they roar with applause in the Great Hall of Valhalla?

    Jump to their feet and clap in the Eleusian Fields?

    Will he sign autographs in Nirvana, sing his songs in Summerland,

    pack the house in Heaven?

    This World will never laugh as much again.

    America lost a Patriot who was almost half as old

    As She is. His laughter couldn’t stop the fighting-

    That is our shame, not his. He was our Hope and

    Our pride and our joy. He goes on, will we?

    We lost more than our laughter today…

    America lost our Hope.

    Thanks for the memories,

    And Rest in Peace.


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