WB&TS of Pennsylvania financial figures

by expatbrit 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Buzzard_of_Truth

    Hiya, sorry to be a pain Expatbrit, but do you think you could mail that file to me too? I need as much hard evidence as I can get my hands on. My disfellowshipped girlfriend plans to confront her JW parents with all the dirt on the WTBTS (a lengthy process) and this will help. My e-mail is:

    [email protected]

    Has anyone got figures on the corporation as a whole? The figure of $951 million annual revenue for the WTBTS New York seems to be based on publishing revenue alone, I suspect the overall figure would be a fair bit higher. Someone out there must know what their profits and assets are..... oh to be able to hack into the WTBTS system and find out!

  • ozziepost

    The figs I find significant are the CASH ones.

    Cash on hand and investments was 296 million dollars! - Not bad.

    Look at that interest! $24 million !!! _ A nice little earner!

    Interesting that the Relief Fund only paid out $21 thousand. Small in comparison, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • expatbrit

    Hi Buzzard:

    Will send it to you shortly.

    The New York company remains stubbornly inaccessible.


  • Bleep

    Other companies could learn a thing or too but they don't have Jehovah backing them up. Read about that one company in debt in the paper?

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    How can the WTS continue to be classified as a "non-profit organization" when they have $79 million in cash revenue and only $2 million in cash expenses not even mentioning the wide gap between receivables and payables.

    This does not make ANY sense at all to be allowed to be called a charity, non-profit therefore tax-exempt organization!!!!!

    Surely some organization should be interested in reviewing their "qualifications" for this status.

    Had Enough

  • expatbrit

    Hello Had Enough:

    As you know, when a company has greater income than expenses, this is termed a "profit". When a non-profit organisation has greater income than expenses, different terminology is used, along the lines of "excess of revenue over expenditure." Thus a charity can make money hand over fist, but still be a non-profit organisation.

    There are also different rules between business corporations and non-profit organisations for how these excesses and reserves built up can be employed or distributed. In practical terms for a high-control org. like the Watchtower these rules are nonsense, since whatever the leadership decides about use of funds, the followers will fall into line. I'm quite sure that if Ted Jaracz decided that all the reserves should be paid into his own bank account, the boards of directors, trustees and other officers of the various Watchtower charities would all fall into line.

    Real power is not having the money, it's having control of the people who have the money.


  • expatbrit


    If how much money a company makes indicates Jehovah's backing, He must put Exxon gas in his chariot.


  • hillary_step


    Are all the finances being run through the WTB&TS for all the Corporations or have they been financially structured to operate independently? I have a feeling that the WTB&TS is being set up to take the main compensational hit, while the other Corporations have distanced themselves in all ways.

    Great work by the way - HS


    It is at moments like this that you show yourself to be an ant sitting at the feet of an elephant - as the Proverb says "Even the foolish when they remains silent are looked on as wise'. Bleep, at this stage your only hope is to shut up!


    Real power is not having the money, it's having control of the people who have the money.

    PS - My wife is an example of this statement.

    Edited by - hillary_step on 27 July 2002 23:50:42

  • garybuss

    In the USA non-profit is just a taxation status. It just means they do not pay tax on parts of their operations. Non-profits have income tax as well as property tax sheltering benefits.

    Many non-profits do make large profits and they can keep them tax free mostly. Profits accumulate faster since they don't have the burden of taxation on the same level a for-profit status corporation does.


  • Farkel

    Assets and liabiities MUST equal each other on any legitimate Balance Sheet. That's why it is called a "Balance" sheet. Doh!

    They don't here.

    Therefore, I don't believe that is true balance sheet, and neither would any accountant.



    Edited by - Farkel on 28 July 2002 0:13:16

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