Questions About Jehovahs Witness

by JehovahsWitnessResearcher 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JehovahsWitnessResearcher

    Hi, I am doing a research project on Jehovahs Witness and wanted to understand it better from people who practice the religion. I have a few questions and it would really help out if you could answer as soon as possible.

    1. What are your main beliefs?

    2. Do you believe that Jesus is God, and if not what is he to you?

    3. How does your religion differ from other sects of Christianity, and why is it the right one?

    4. What is the most fundamental aspect of Jehovah’s Witness?

    5. Is there a certain way to pray to God?

    6. What happens after death?

    7. What exactly is the Kingdom of God?
  • FayeDunaway
    We are mostly exwitnesses here and no longer believe in the religion, which most of us now view is a cult. You can find some other sites with active believers and this can be a win win for both of you, since they will get to count their time in answering your questions.
  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm no longer a believer, but still understand the religion so I'll be happy to help.

    1. Main beliefs are that we are currently living in the foretold "last days" that began in 1914. Jesus commanded that his disciples preach door-to-door so that's what JWs do. There is a group of 144000 members of the covenant with Jesus that will, upon death, be transported to heaven to rule with Jesus (those that died prior to 1914 were raised to heaven at that time). The remaining JWs expect to either survive armageddon or be resurrected after armageddon to live on earth and transform it into a paradise. Armageddon is coming soon (JWs are encouraged to live like it will be the day after tomorrow) and will entail the violent death of all non-JWs. People who die prior to armageddon (even non-JWs) may be resurrected at Jesus' discretion into paradise. Those that die at armageddon will be permanently dead. There is no hell - death is just a sleep-like state of inactivity and unconsciousness. The most important belief, though, is that god is guiding the watchtower bible and tract society (and through them, the JWs) as his organization and they, via their governing body, can make changes to any of these doctrines at any time and all JWs must fall in line.

    2. Jesus is god's son, a lesser spirit-being that god created before anything else. Jesus is the archangel micheal and was used to create everything else by god's side. The trinity is a false doctrine.

    3. JWs view their religion as a return to first-century christianity. They will tell of their high moral value, expunging the congregation of sinners, and of their main doctrines (described above) as their differentiating factors. In addition to this, JWs are required to preach door-to-door in order to be considered members of the faith.

    4. This one is hard to answer as a JW. When I was a JW I think I probably would have referred to the 1914 doctrine and the nearness of armageddon. As an ex-JW I now realize that it's more about loyalty/obedience to the governing body than it is anything else.

    5. Prayers must be made to Jehovah and no one else, in the name of Jesus.

    6. Death is a sleep-like state of nothingness. As described above, some may be resurrected to heaven or paradise earth while others will remain dead and unconscious

    7. The kingdom of god is a literal government that will be established after armageddon.
  • stephanie61092

    This website is mainly for people who used to be Jehovahs Witnesses. You can find answers to your questions at

    I would answer them but I don't know what I believe anymore and I do not want to be untrue to myself. I also can't talk about JWs anymore without sarcasm.

    Best of luck to you with your project

  • Giordano

    I believe a web search about what the JW's believe is available within seconds. However the advice to check out is good advice as in any given time frame their beliefs can change or change back.

    The Pew study 2015 ranks the JW's (in the USA) as the least educated religion, with the lowest income. 67% of their born-ins leave the religion.

    Those that are disfellowshiped or Dis-associate are shunned for life.

    Luck with your project.

  • New day
    New day
    Don't want to derail the question but I feel exactly like stepanie61092. I'm also not sure what I believe anymore.
  • JehovahsWitnessResearcher
    Thank you OneEyedJoe your help was deeply appreciated

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