The vague WTBTS Baptism question?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Acts 2:38 is easy to understand and easy to follow. There are no words that are vague and need interpretation.

    “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?”

    This baptism question is used on every new baptismal candidate. Everyone says ''yes'' to : “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?”

    But, no one ever questions the wording. The WTBTS never explain what the words '' identify'' and ''in association'' really mean.

    Are there any articles or Watchtower studies on this Baptism question or is the WTBTS being vague on purpose?

    This baptism question raises lots of eyebrows ...........

  • _Morpheus

    The questions asked at the PUBLIC baptism of jw’s is pure show and nobdy knows or cares if you answer. The real questions are asked in a series of three one hour interviews prior to the gathering where the baptism is performed. Those questions Cover everything you asked and more.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    A lot of us oldtimers never said ‘yes’ to that question. The two questions were changed about 30 years ago to tie it to the organization rather than to Jesus and God.

  • steve2

    The photo shows 4 of the observers taking photos of the baptism, 2 younger ones using iphones and 2 older ones using cameras.

    C'mon JW organization, get real: I refuse to believe that people still use cameras!

  • finallysomepride
    A lot of us oldtimers never said ‘yes’ to that question. The two questions were changed about 30 years ago to tie it to the organization rather than to Jesus and God.

    Me too, it was not one of the questions in 1980

  • AverageJoe1


    C'mon JW organization, get real: I refuse to believe that people still use cameras!

    Of course they do! Cameras take way better photos. If you want a quick snap shot then your mobile is fine but then many older ones don't know how to work a smartphone so they use cameras. i see it all the time.

  • freddo

    Question changed in 1985.

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