The battle lines are being drawn

by hillfy333 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillfy333

    With the new RC conventions making their rounds, much has been leaked in regards to their loyalty videos. Disturbing is the ramping up of hatred and shunning towards those who have faded, especially if such ones according to the Watchtower are living in sin, but have not been found guilty as yet by the judicial process. Certainly of the criteria of guilt, is talking against the GB, which i personally come under. This morning i had a heated discussion with my wife over the ramifications of these conventions. At present my wife's parents are still talking with us, her dad an elder, her mum a staunch long time witness. i highlighted things could chance once the loyalty aspect of the convention finally hits home. I'm passionate about the Watchtower losing it's tax free status, and regulations restricting their proselytizing, so less people are adversely affected by their archaic belief system. My wife can't understand why i get so emotional about Watchtower stuff, since i parted ways with them in 2008. However i still feel for people who are mind manipulated and abused by this wicked religion. My thoughts possibly coming out of left field but could they (a) be simply so deluded, they are unaware of the backlash this assembly will cause, or (b) the GB is deliberately trying to goad the government or police authorities to start persecuting them, in a made up attempt at getting God to step in and save them. I'm sure there are many more options, just curious what you guys out there think about these current events?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    If the GB is stressing the need to shun family members who have DF/DA/faded, it's because they see it as a serious threat. They have demonstrated that they are more reactive than proactive these days. They think that upping the pressure will solve the problem, we'll see.

    No Apologies

  • snowbird

    I think WT wants the world's government to crack down on them.

    After all, you can hold on to an untenable position for only so long.

    They must be dog-tired of crying wolf by now.


  • zeb

    "the GB is deliberately trying to goad the government ".. etc"**

    I have feared this for some time. The ARC have been made aware that this might happen.

    The wts made complete asses of themselves at the ARC and that footage has gone round the world for all to see and contemplate on. In particular the statements by one gb member in evidence that he agreed under oath that the ARC was there to do good but another gb member on the orgs telecast that it was apostate.

    In regards "goading the Police" the Police in any country have more than enough to do without having to deal with religious nutters deliberately breaking the law (in some way) so their head office (gb) can cry Persecution!

    Lets see the gb spend some time in prison with appropriate raids on Bethel NY for files as a first and see how that quickly throws the zealots into cool down. And what of the alleged paedophile file? How would they handle the revelations that will come out of that? I fear mob retaliation for what such a mother -lode of data would bring onto the heads of the rank and file jw but such outrages have never worried the wts. In some future time as with the Malawi experience they will say doing (whatever it was to bring the ire) was your decision you were never directed.

    In the mean while send us your money so we can employ fat lawyers to defend... the...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If my parents are any gauge, most of us exJWs pay closer attention to what's in the magazines, broadcasts, and assemblies than they do. How many dubs read, pay attention, or even stay awake for these things? For the crapvention they'll hear the talks once, watch the videos once, might even take notes. A dose of the fear, obligation, and guilt may stick, but much of what was presented is completely forgotten by the time they get the breadsticks at Olive Garden on the way home afterward.

    If they want to review the highlights of the program and watch the crapvention videos again and again, they'll have to get on "apostate" websites until/if it get posted on JW.borg.

  • Lieu

    Therein lies the real problem Billy, no one is paying any attention at regular meetings let alone conventions. It's too boring, intentionally I think. Humans aren't hardwired to sit through hours of lecture with no interactions. No one learns anything in such a manner. No matter the size, you can't ask any questions so you sit there ... just being.

    You miss a lot of the crazy being said simply because you've tuned the speakers out and have moved over to internal thoughts (about your legs going to sleep, willing yourself to keep your eyes open, the chair hurts, is it lunch break yet .... toilet run, daydreaming etc)

    People remember and like the dramas because of the interactions, it entails more than a guy standing at the podium lecturing.

  • hillfy333

    I think it was Steven Hassan who said that boredom allows a hypnotic type of indoctrination to work. I personally feel that is why the organization does not allow to much interaction, it has proven to work with millions in the witness movement.

  • Deleteandrestart

    I think that watchtower has spotted the obvious loophole in their quest for total mind control and is doing its best to close it ..... There must must be many thousands who know how to play the system and are living two separate lives quite successfully without bringing upon themselves the ire of the organisation. in my view they are peeved about this and wish to make someone say like myself who has no problems with the individual brothers and sisters but who disagrees with the policies of the organisation and who only attends once a month, into 3rd class citizens,

    such a peevish and spiteful religion at times. There's really no need for it .

    It will only drive people away in the end.

  • stuckinarut2

    Well said Billy!

  • Pistoff


    There must must be many thousands who know how to play the system and are living two separate lives quite successfully without bringing upon themselves the ire of the organisation.

    I think maybe more like hundreds of thousands, but I agree with this.

    Most of my family tolerates me, I make them laugh, but there are 2 uber believers (also hypocrites, but that is another discussion) who resent me being at family functions, even though I haven't gone to meetings for at least 13 years.

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