Feeling Jealous of True Believers

by Naoscillator 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Naoscillator

    What a simple life it is to be a true believer. The cocksureness of people who never for a moment question their core beliefs is something I have come to envy. It's altogether foreign, but it sure looks nice over on the other side.

    Why do some people step into the void of uncertainty while others do everything in their power never to even go near it? I've seen JW's go to extremes to keep themselves pure of any disconfirming influences, some actually boast about not knowing what's going on in their own country. Is it an unconscious drive towards self-preservation and wholeness that pushes away or dismisses every little idea that doesn't fit? Or an actual sense of duty and reverence for "truth" even while acknowledging that that "truth" does not stand up to questioning and must be protected at all costs?

    Sometimes I say "If only I had kept myself pure." Then again, I don't think I ever was. I think some people are hardwired to question continually and never close the book on what's true in their world.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    This is the state of mind which inspired the coined phrase "Ignorance is bliss".

    It is impossible to continue in ignorance if one is inquisitive, studious or even tech savvy these days.


  • FayeDunaway

    I could never be jealous of ignorance, even if it is 'bliss' and gives you that self satisfied feeling of knowing everything and being right all the time.

    An elder told me that he stopped his subscription to national geographic because there was too much coverage of evolution stories and it was better to not look at them. So that's fine, keep denying science, keep your head in the sand so you can feel good about yourself and your backwards cult. But not me, and I don't admire it or envy it. I'm sure most people here are as you say...they keep questioning, keep observing, keep reading. And that is the difference.

  • Naoscillator

    Good responses. I should note that the jealous feeling is fleeting and only comes when it feels like the 'unorthodox' information I have helped myself to over the years has gotten me into some sort of trouble.

    Faye, that's the exact sort of thing that actually drives me up the wall. The new JW Broadcasting video series "A _____ist Explains His Faith" does not help and only illustrates the need for intellectual dishonesty for these people to continue as they are. What part of Evolution theory comments on whether or not life originates with God? That's right, it doesn't but the implications are unwelcome for believers.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The pursuit of happiness happens in many ways. Many are just as happy, if not even more, not knowing stuff.

    Clearly understandable, and nothing to get upset/angry/bitter about with those who choose religious ignorance.

    Live and let live.😉


  • DesirousOfChange

    What a simple life it is to be a true believer.

    Red Pill or Blue Pill?

    You obviously chose the Red Pill. Bad decision? Yes, if you wanted the "simple life" of the true believer.

    Our lives can be affected enormously by many decisions we make.


  • pale.emperor

    Surely knowledge is to be treasured? Im sure there's a scripture that says something along those lines.

    My mum is one of these people. If a WT told her black was white she'd believe it. 10 years ago she wouldn't have the internet in her house because it was a cesspool of pornography and a design of satans world. Now she not only has it, but preaches how wonderful the JW's are for realizing it's potential.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, good thread!

    Wilful ignorance is truly sad....

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