Am l the only one.?The older l become the more hostile l become towards god.

by atomant 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    No, I don't really get more hostile towards God.

    What's the point getting uptight about someone that in all probability doesn't exist?

    Total waste of time.

  • cookiemaster
    I don't believe God exists, but if he were to exist, he would be the most evil and cruel being to have ever existed. The biggest asshole in the universe.
  • MarkofCane


    Older I get the more ornery I get and the less time I have for BS and fantasies.

    Ya I can hardly sit through a meeting anymore it just racks me up to no end. Agitates me to the point, I fantasy about throat punching the speaker for spewing so much nonsense. I only believe in evidence, its the aftermath of leaving a cult. My wife calls me the "world renowned skeptic".

  • Crazyguy
    I always had a problem with this idea that gods love yet sits back and does nothing to help mandkind. The Tsunami in 2004 along with the quake in Haiti were the last nails in the coffin watching my father die was the final nail I think. I no longer believe in a God that cares about anything on this planet.
  • HB


    Lack of experience, idealism, heart rules head, lack of knowledge, gullibility, rose tinted glasses, seeking a mind blowing 'spiritual' experience and hoping this will teach us the ultimate 'truth' about life and its purpose. A hope for the future that if we work hard enough and follow a particular lifestyle, the answers to the meaning of life will eventually be revealed. The desire to be 'special' with esoteric knowledge not understood by many others, which we can then teach others to make ourselves feel important and superior. The feeling that we have the power to single-handedly change the world if we are determined enough or have sufficient faith.


    Rationality, scepticism about the supernatural due to lack of evidence, disbelief in any gods, especially caring and loving ones, frustration at not having found finding answers to the suffering in the world, a realisation of our own insignificance and acceptance of our ineffectiveness and impotence to make significant changes without the help of others.

    (On second thoughts, sorry, perhaps 'impotence' was not a good choice of words in relation to age!)

    But also a sense of contentment in realising there is no benefit in wishful thinking and relief and a sense of peace at coming to terms with reality.

    Atomant, I dont know how old you are, but I very much understand the feelings you expressed in your opening post.

    I have found that as a Humanist, my aim to do whatever little good I can wherever and whenever I can, gives satisfaction and meaning to my brief existence.

    Although I abhor the amount of suffering in the world, my acceptance that there is no god or other supernatural power who is going to step in and change everything to take away the pain, injustice and inequalities in the world, leads to a deep sense of personal responsibility to do my bit.

    And a belief in the collective responsibility of all of us humans to work together to make the necessary changes, not wait for an unknown invisible power to finally wave a magic wand.

    Change for the better is frustratingly slow but it's speeding up in recent times. It's not a coincidence that the more secular our society has become, the more science and technology and society have had the freedom to make advances and improvements that have alleviated suffering.

    There's still a long way to go, of course, but I fear the frustration and helplessness you expressed in your opening post will likely lead to cynicism and depression unless you can find a way to appreciate the positive progress we are making.

    It's all too easy to focus on the headlines of bad news like terrorism and crime, but when you step back and compare life now to any time in history, it is clear that overall we are becoming more humane as a society as we lose belief in gods and take on belief in our own power to effect change for the good, in the long term.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    @ atomant:

    You certainly aren't the only one.

    Most people get by because of god. I get by in spite of god.

  • jookbeard
    I definitely do as well, its the sheer lunacy, the unanswered questions, the insane dick waving competition that us mere mortals are stuck in the middle of , how many more millions need to die?, how much more does the earth need to be populated by? its all become a sick joke by now, I feel betrayed that a so called creator of the universe who has allegedly made us in his image continues this sick,stupid selfish game, and as the years pass the stupidity of the bible becomes more and more obvious, the scientific impossibility of the creative, days ,the recordings of his vengeful,hateful,spiteful punishments that he continually gave to his so called children/creations. The questions seem more and more incapable of being answered.
  • OnTheWayOut

    If a god existed, and I am highly confident that none of the gods of men's creation do exist, then he/she/it (I will stick with 'he') is a bastard for doing nothing in most cases where he could. He is great evil.

    Just to stick to one type of evil- If there is some lesson to be learned, some greater good to be had, by the suffering of children by disaster or at the hands of men, then 'God' is asking too high a price for that lesson or greater good. It's not worth the price.

  • Xanthippe

    I don't feel hostile to God. I have just come to the conclusion he's not there. I do agree there is a whole lot more to our existence. It's a waste of time getting angry at reality, just try and find out more about it.

    Just put any question you like into a search engine, read all the ideas that are out there and after some years, decide for yourself. The answers aren't on this forum, there's not enough room allowed here for total brainstorming, too much fear of other's opinions. Good luck.

  • Twitch

    I've spent a lot of time being angry over the god question, the beliefs of others and what I believe to be right.

    However, I've come to terms with the question and no longer feel anger. It's rather nice actually.

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