What should they really do?

by Gratefullyunstuck 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gratefullyunstuck

    I am now seperated from my JW husband. He cheated twice on me, once while i was pregnant. he hasnt been to meetings for approximately 2 years. his family are (so they say) very strong in the truth. of course the mentally unstable wife is to blame, just like is wife before me.

    I spoke with the elders after he had cheated, and they said unless we come back to meetings they couldnt help us. he has already been disfellowshipped when he cheated on his first wife, so i guess thats why he is avoiding the KH again.

    However, they say they wont disfellowship him this time because he isnt attending meetings so not poisoning the cong.

    So why do his family act like nothing has happened? they know what he has done, but surely if you follow the bible you would quit mixing with adulterors amd fornicators? or do you only quit when an elders tells you to when the said offender gets disfellowshipped?

    My interest is now in the recent WT and assemblies with the loyalty to jehovah.

    Do you think it will highlight you shouldnt mix with those that have sinned or only thoughs that have been disfellowshipped!

    It amazes me the hypocrosy in it all!

  • stephanie61092

    For a group that claims that they are soooo unlike Christendom and that they don't make use of "titles", most JWS sure do rely heavily on titles to make their decisions.

    Not DFed? Okay, I'll keep in contact with you even though you're doing what you're not supposed to. Officially DFed? SHUN!

    Interested in a nice brother? Not an MS at 23?! Not a good marriage prospect. Officially an MS? "I DO!!"

    Makes me sick.

  • OneEyedJoe

    They often show themselves as being completely legalistic. They act as if DFing is some arrangement that just makes it easier for everyone in the congregation to do what they should/would be doing anyways (if they knew all the details for the situation) but in reality many in the congregation only care about someone's transgressions if it actually gets them DFed. There's a similar situation for me - I've told one of my (conditional) friends about my reasons for leaving the cult, outright admitting that I am an apostate and he basically said he'll still be my friend as long as I don't get announced as no longer a JW. I told him myself I'm no longer a JW, but he doesn't care until it's official. So legalistic. Also, some friend that he'll tell me to my face that if some random guy stands up and says I'm no longer a JW he just immediately drops me even though it is in no way new information to him.

    Your situation also demonstrates what I suspect is a result of the rampant misogyny in the cult. Something tells me if an elder was trying to get his wife DFed for cheating, it wouldn't matter if she didn't attend meetings - they'd be happy to DF her so that he could save face in front of the congregation when he starts dating.

  • SpiritualGal08

    Hi Gratefully Unstuck! I faced a similar situation when I was divorcing my JW husband. We were married 18 years and I had had enough of his lies and cavorting with other women. I took what I thought was supporting evidence to the elders of his infidelity, such as emails, phone records, hotel receipts, etc so as to obtain a scriptural divorce. Oh no ma'am, they refused to accept it or even look at it and said unless he came to them to confess, I would NOT get a scriptural divorce and to consider staying with him. Well, I divorced him anyway. After I began dating a "worldly" man a few months later, I went to the elders and said we needed to meet for a judicial committee hearing. I told them that unlike my ex-husband I was not a hypocrite and they were going to have to disfellowship me. They tried for HOURS to get me to repent and I told them that I was done and needed to have this discipline (looking back it was my way of getting out and relieving my mind controlled conscience.) My ex had moved out of state about a year prior to our divorce and was not associating with the Witnesses there. Then after he moved back he switched to another congregation after he began dating a Witness (good thing I freed him so he could move on too, right?). Nothing was ever done to him. The JW'S are so caught up in their Pharasaical rules that they figure out how to dance through the loopholes all this legalistic crap creates.

    On a side note, after 7 years and not one elder sheparding call, I get a phone call from the P.O. to come see me. I said yes because I wanted to have them hear my reasons for leaving. They came and had the same rhetoric to return to Jehovah and his true organization, blah, blah, blah. I told them I didn't have a problem with the people of the congregation. My problem was with the Organization and leaders' direction on matters such as molestation, changes in organizational protocols and how they use questionable means to obtain spiritual light to mislead the masses. They asked what I meant. I asked them if they had ever heard of Johannes Greber? They shook their heads no. I said you need to research him because the society used his translation of the Bible to support the NWT translation rendering of John 1:1, and his wife channelled the translation from the spirit world. They looked like I had 3 heads. LOL I also mentioned the dates of '75 and how no reputable scholar accepts the destruction of Jerusalem at 607 BCE and how if they took away that date of 607, then 1914 falls apart. If 1914 falls apart the very foundation upon which JW Organization is built upon crumbles. But before they left, I told them that unlike my ex who is now 'strong in the truth', I had received my discipline from Jehovah and as Psalms says, "For whom Jehovah loves he disciplines." My ex never received his discipline, so what does that tell you about whom is loved by God? LOL Needlesstosay, they were speechless and couldn't get out of my house fast enough.

    So just know you can't "make" the elders or family of your cheating husband acknowledge or accept anything other than what the status quo is for them...hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. But it's all good because you are awake and free from their mind control. I promise, it's all going to work out for your good...take care!

  • Lostwun

    misogyny at its finest! Its such a double standard. Now had it been the other way around and you were the one cheating they would have df'd your ass so quick but because he has a penis they choose not to get involved. This is what really makes me sick about the organization.

    Sorry you are going through this but i hope you come out a stronger person because of it. HUGS


  • steve2
    Another man-made patriarchal religion, huh? They just don't get it - but nor do they want to. After years of no shepherding calls, you get a visit to sweet talk you into returning "to Jehovah". So is your ex onto wife number 3 and in good standing? The hypocrisy is suffocating.

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