For our Canadian EX JW's ... Your own Rambo

by Giordano 7 Replies latest social current

  • Giordano
    MONTREAL — It is a plot worthy of Hollywood: A courageous, one-eyed soldier single-handedly liberates a Dutch city during World War II, tricking a German officer into believing the city is surrounded.
    Just in case there are any doubters, he rampages through the streets throwing grenades, firing his rifle and — in a final act of defiance — lights the Gestapo headquarters on fire.
    Now more than 70 years later, the soldier, Léo Major, a onetime farmer from Montreal, is getting wide recognition in Canada after an hourlong documentary about his life was shown last month on Radio-Canada, the national broadcaster. The news media dubbed him “Quebec’s Rambo.”

    From the NY Times:

    Same info available here:

  • Simon

    Wow, that's some story! Amazing heroism, an amazing generation.

  • waton

    As a coincidence there was an one eyed JW named Major in la Belle Provence in the 50-70. a handsome and genuine human being.

    As to the events, believable. "handing back rifles to german soldiers?" not a good idea!-- . In an infamous incident, A German marine, of part Jewish parentage ( race laws should have precluded him from "serving"), obtained in Holland an allied leaflet encouraging surrender, protection. - He deserted, hid among the population and turned himself in, with it, to the Canadians when they arrived. Put, notwithstandingly, into a large camp, with some of the men from his former unit, he was discovered, courtmartialed. The Canadian officer * in charge supplied rifles* to the Germans to execute the exposed and unprotected teenager. so: Do not re- arm germans. Most were more than eager to give up anyway, to get back to their families. (as my grandfather did at the beginning of WW1}

    * Questioned about the ethics in such a situation, he replied: It was our business to kill germans, this was just another method. Things like that made take "the truth" Rev 11: 18, and question it now.

  • Giordano

    I think this guy was from another planet....... a one eyed sniper. A guy who got pissed off ...............stages a one man military take over of a city and sells it. Goes home and say's nothing about it until 1969 when he is honored by the Dutch.

    Gave every bone and one eye to fighting the Nazis and says nothing about it. Even his children and wife didn't know what he did.

    Canada has been turning out great warriors in all of our/their 20th century wars and then some.

    Canada is what keeps us protected and we keep them protected.

  • waton

    Canada is what keeps us protected and we keep them protected.,

    Hope so, a great country, now the buffer zone between the US and Russia, great warriors too. They have the town of Ladysmith in BC to celebrate their part in putting down the Boers, Dutch in South Africa, the other side of the globe.

  • Vidiot

    Canadians: badass and nice folks.

    I always knew such a thing was possible.

  • Finkelstein

    Canadians: bad ass and nice folks.

    On behalf of all Canadians old (myself) and new (Simon and family) I graciously thank you .

    Your right

    Very proud to be a Canadian

  • Vidiot

    Well, since I'm Canadian myself, it seemed self-evident.

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