Pharaoh and Judas, both gods puppets?

by purrpurr 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purrpurr

    I've had a thought about Pharaoh and Judas . In exdos it says that Jehovah hardens Pharaohs heart so that he then refuses to send the Israelites away. This gives god an exhuse to show off some plague skills he has up his sleeve.

    So with Judas , Jehovah puts it into his heart to betray Jesus .

    So neither one had command of their actions? And yet they were judged on them? Pharaoh punished by drowning in the red sea and Judas by hanging.

    Also by the ninth plague Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go but... god still hardens his heart again and sends a tenth plague anyway !?? So Pharaoh himself had decided to give in but God wasn't having that! Oh no!

    This last plague being the worst of all, the death of all the first borns... so that his name will be known and glorified! What does it say about gods morality that he glorifies his name by killing (amongst others) children and babies?

    It is after this unjustified tenth plague that Pharaoh decides to chase after the Israelites ... well that kinda makes sense doesn't it? You give in to this god, you decide to let his people go and the god still goes on plaguing you and kills your eldest kid! Wouldn't you get mad and decide to go after these b@#%@ds?? Teach them a lesson ?

    Oh, and when god goes on this genocidal spree he can't tell which houses are the Israelites ones? So they have to paint a bloody sign above the door (!)

  • Crazyguy

    God hardening pharaohs heart was one of the nails in the coffin of my belief. Killing innocent people was another big nail. Finding out it was all made up bullshit really helps one free themselves from the mind bondage when you believe in this god.

  • opusdei1972

    Manmade histories

  • opusdei1972

    I am ashamed for having believed in this crap

  • purrpurr

    How do the JW's explain this passage of the bible? I've seen plenty of writing saying how God gave us free will but nothing about him taking it away when it suits him?

  • Vidiot

    We're all God's meat puppets.

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