MIL says she wants to donate home

by StarTrekAngel 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StarTrekAngel

    So my wife and her sisters found out this weekend that their mother has contemplated donating her home to the WT. She did not tell them directly. I am afraid she knew they would not agree. Is there anyone here with experience on this? How do the elders proceed upon being approached with such offer? I understand that in some cases it is possible for someone to hand over the property but still live in it. How aggressive can we expected them to get? I can make my own speculations regarding how money hungry the org is but I am, in this case, trying to see if there are any real life experiences in this forum.

    My wife openly admitted I had predicted this would happen. I clarified to her that this move from her doesn't surprise me but that the WT would not hesitate on facilitating her desire. In her case is like giving a gun to a suicidal person.


  • freddo
    Stupid cow. Sorry not much help am I?
  • wifibandit
  • LoveUniHateExams

    STA - try to reason with your mum on this. Try to talk her out of it.

    The WTS doesn't deserve a penny of your mum's money. I know what I'm talking about - I've been muscled out of money intended for me by a money-grabbing skank, too ...

    Best of luck.

  • StarTrekAngel

    LoveUniHateExams. Is actually my mother in law... but not much of a difference. Being the only male in the family that is trusted with these matters is almost like she was my mom too. Would you mind sharing more of your experience, even in a PM if you so desire.

    No pressure. Thanks

  • StarTrekAngel
    Thanks wifi bandit.
  • BluesBrother

    The stuff from wifi bandit will have made this clear , but it is not the local elders that would deal with it. The donation and legal papers would all be arranged with your Bethel . I am damn sure that they would have it sown up legally.

    Whether they could be persuaded to refuse it, if your wife and her sisters should contact them and plead with them, I don't know.. Perhaps pleading poverty , a real need for the legacy , and appealing to their Christian conscience????

    I would have thought the best bet would be to work on their Mum as a combined family campaign....if they would do it.......

    Good luck.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi STA.

    Sent you a PM ...

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think you could find an old WT or Awake! article that encourages people to store up something for their children.

    I remember discussing this among several of us when it first came out. It was like, I thought we were supposed to be living like it was the Last Days.


  • Lostandfound

    In UK a change to the law on "Family Provisions" became operative a couple of years ago. A will needs to specify why a Close relative is excluded and courts open to contest seeming oversight or lack of inclusion in a Will.

    An individual who has mental competence can, in their lifetime, assign ownership of property to someone else or an organisation. Creating a Trust for Sale allowing donor to retain title but it passes on death to whoever. If house was left to wife by late husband, but he specified that when wife died proceeds of house sale to be divided in a certain way then wife cannot alter that

    UK land registry can provide details of current property owners, which can give reassurance

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