Brooklyn Eagle article about JWs moving out Brooklyn Heights in September

by AndersonsInfo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    The Jehovah's Witnesses will start moving out of Brooklyn Heights headquarters in September

    Farewell to the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are moving out of their world headquarters at 25-30 Columbia Heights. Photos courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Farewell to the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are moving out of their world headquarters at 25-30 Columbia Heights. Photos courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses

    By Lore Croghan

    Brooklyn Daily Eagle

    Change is coming to Brooklyn Heights.

    These two buildings, 50 and 58 Columbia Heights, are part of the just-sold Watchtower headquarters complex.These two buildings, 50 and 58 Columbia Heights, are part of the just-sold Watchtower headquarters complex.

    Watchtower workers are about to start moving out of their iconic headquarters, where their organization's name has been glowing in red-neon light for almost a half-century.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses just sold their headquarters complex at 25-30 Columbia Heights for $340 million to a joint venture that includes a company headed by Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The buyers are a joint venture of Kushner Companies, CIM Group and LIVWRK.

    A spokesman for the Watchtower told the Brooklyn Eagle that personnel at the Brooklyn Heights headquarters will start moving out of the complex in earnest in September. READ MORE

  • Worldling9

    ....rapidly expanding operations...Bahahahahahaha!!

  • steve2

    I just hope the organization turns off the lights and closes the door when the last JW vestige is removed from the buildings.

    As for the " iconic" sign, the organization started to de-emphasize the millenarian word, Watchtower, in favor of the "vogue" sounding a few years ago. Religious history is prone to amnesia.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Looks like the printing business is pretty much dead for these guys and they are moving to the chemical dump boonies to get out of the public eye.

    I wonder what kind of business model they got cooking to sell all their real estate and milk the rank and file for what ever they can get to keep from going under, even conning their kids out of ice cream money to pay for child molestation lawsuit loses.

  • Perry

    An era has ended, that's for sure.

  • never a jw
    never a jw
    3 hours ago

    An era has ended, that's for sure.

    Indeed. The best times are over. Downhill all the way from here

  • jookbeard

    wondering how many properties are left in Brooklyn? the IT centre is still there?

  • hyperpen

    I think back in 1969 the WT Society recommended selling one's possessions since the end of the present system of things was just around the corner. From the GB perspective this means, sell while the market's hot and get a nice place in the country. I'll bet they wanted to sell earlier but 9/11 put a temporary crimp on selling property so close to Ground Zero. Oh well, with the money they made from the sale of these gems they should be sitting pretty for a long time even if Watchtower's don't sell like they used to.

  • Word

    Jared Kushner that rules the world trough Donald Trump, takes over Jehovah's witnesses headquarters in Brooklyn Heights.

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