Jdub sex offender used Jehovah for his child pornography.

by will_the_apostate 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • will_the_apostate

    Hello everyone,

    I haven't posted in years but I had to log in to share this story from my neck of the woods. Second generation Jehobo Witless sex offender is caught with child pornography one year to the day after being charged with Lewd and Lascivious behavior with a minor [I would link the article on his current arrest but it appears the article has been maliciously hacked with adult links in the text]. But here is what a good witness he is: "The tip came from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who forwarded information provided to them by Rabbit, Inc., a file sharing network, who had identified images on their servers with several usernames that linked to Edgerly, including Shaneallen, roadhammer, and Lovejehovah1... He also explained his usernames to the detectives. Roadhammer being the name of his truck, and lovejehova1 meaning “love Jahova first.”

    He also showed up to court with his NWT Bible. His wife and the elders in the hall have covered up him and his father [also a registered sex offender] for decades. What pisses me off is that I have tried to get local news outlets to cover this story but I cannot get anyone to run with it.
    Even after all of these years out, I am still shocked at how depraved and soulless Jdubs are, they cannot even protect the most innocent of their 'flock'.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
  • will_the_apostate

    He most definitely is, I grew up in that hall and the article linked in my original post describes how it was handled.


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Thanks for confirming and posting.


  • will_the_apostate

    NP, sorry for leaving out some of the back story, I don't post much and I sometimes forget that random people on the internet don't know the back story to what I am talking about.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    For those who want to know for sure if this pervert is a Jehovah's Witness or has any affiliation with this cult...here is a quote from the report:

    Those accusations were well known to those around Edgerly long before police became involved, according to court records. The victim told police the family dealt with the incident by confiding in church elders from the Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall. That didn’t stop the abuse, however, according to the victim.
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ...thank you will_the _apostate for sharing this article!

    The WTBTS likes to boast about their nearly 120,000 congregations worldwide. Now imagine if there was/is just one 'Shane Edgerly' in each congregation. That's 120,000 perverts among the Jehovah's Witnesses rank and file...Wow, just wow!

  • Phizzy

    JGB, and the culture within the JW Org does NOTHING to protect the vulnerable, and usually covers up the crimes, and allows more crimes to happen, as in this Case.

    Jehovah's Clean Organization ????

    It is FILTHY !

  • Vidiot

    Seems only ones who've felt compelled to leave are capable of realizing that...

    ...not only are the WTS's so-called "Biblical" methods not fixing the problem, they're steadily making it worse.

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