Leaders or liars

by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I was a thriving regular pioneer, doing all thr things wholeheartedly, had 16 bible studies, 7 attending meetings regularly, 11 magazine routes and 100's of RV's. you can imagine I was always runnin out of literature and always a good list of books to order every month.(not bragging,just stating facts.All this is wasted anyway). I remember my orders were always pending for months on end,never reciving them.The literature servant was an elder and a regular pioneer who was not doing very well ministry wise at all despite the fact that he had so much support financially, and otherwise (it should have been a breeze for him as he had all the comforts and luxuries catered for with no expense spared. that is another subject in itself) Anyways we were spring cleaning the KH and i was in the store room cleaning away. I was moving some cardboard boxes when one s bottom gave away and books fell to the floor. Voila , all the literature that i had pending was in their(over 50 books no joke).It had been there for a while coz the box had water damage on it and that is why it gave way. There was a literature list with the date when it was shipped and that was shipped a year ago and just sitting there in the store room. I was shocked at the lies that I was being fed just coz my report perhaps looked so much better than his that the regular pioneer elder devised this plan to thwart it. Mind you i was not wasting Societys money coz all these books were spoken for. I would put in the money for it whenever I picked up any literature plus the receivers always gave generously towards the books which also went into the contribution box. I was not being wasteful. From then on I would just pick up literature by visiting other congregations and stopped ordering all together. This was the lords work supposedly and here i was being punished for doing it well.

    I dont believe in confrontations,no point in muddying waters some more specially people with authority dont like to be challenged.I just analyse and learn what one is made of and get on with life.

    Should have woken up then.......

  • skin

    After you wake up, all the memories of events that should have made you wake up earlier flood back into mind.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    which african country was this in ?

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Stan livedeath, this is not in an african country, Sorry , treading carefully coz the name might give my ID away to some lurkers and then all hell might break loose. Just do not want some near and dear ones hurt.

    Thanks for taking the time each one of you coz this is my first time ever of sharing what I went through with anyone.

    Still have miles to go on about.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Hi Skin

    I did not wake up coz I was scripturally applying principles of being forgiving. longsuffering, just a test of faith, letting it go coz we are all imperfect, let love cover over it etc. Truthfully believing and I got screwed over for it.

    Thanks for taking the time.

  • kramer

    Hmmmm.... 2 or 3 studies a day, and up to 10 RVs a day, pretty impressive!!

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Thank you Kramer

    This also led to me being invited to be a special pioneer and i have been to Bthel, also have worked in the foreign language field for years coz of knowing 13 different languages. But it was all futile. As Solomon said all is vanity.

    First time sharing such matters with anyone and it does feel good to let it out.

    Thank you for reading.

  • Angharad

    I'm locking the duplicated threads, please continue the discussion here:


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