Why Being A Rat For The WTBS Can BE BAD

by D8TA 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Come to think of it, being a "rat" can be rather hazardous for the person doing so. Be it a member of the WTBTS, a browsing elder, a vindictive ex-member, or a person with no ties at all.

    Problem is, there could be some posters who don't take to kind to people messing in their personal and family life. Not saying there are such posters here or anywhere else, just pointing to a possible scenario. Just giving some food for thought.

    See, there's allways that possibility when, somehow, that information recieved by these "elders" can lead back to the person who gave it to them. Perhaps it could also be a foolish slip of tongue in some other fasion which leads to such an informant. Now, I know the informant may be in the position of thinking "I'm trying to help my brother/sister", but this really wouldn't matter to say somebody who really doesn't like it when people screw in his or her business. The person being informed on could be very protective in keeping communication with their JW family members. This poses the hazzard.

    So, if you are a person who feels it's your obligation to inform your "elders" of people here....think twice before doing so. If you are an "elder" (CO.DO.ZO--go up the chain) and see people posting here that you believe is somebody you know....think twice. If you are a non-member or x-member who is playing a vindictive game...think more then 3 times.

    There could come a day when a person who isn't as forgiving or understanding may blow a cork and will find out who informed on them. This could lead to a whole world of problems for the informant. Use your imagination.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    D8TA, it doesn't phase a person who has no conscience. A rat is a rat. If you had bets in a rat racing contest, the winner is still a rat.

    Guest 77

  • D8TA
    D8TA, it doesn't phase a person who has no conscience.

    Whether if "phases" any such person (the "rat") or not, I just gave some "food for thought". Like I said,
    "a person who isn't as forgiving or understanding may blow a cork". Taking it to the extreme (in which I wouldn't condone or suggest anyone to do), well, dead rats don't cross finish lines do they? I'll clarify again, I don't believe there are any such people
    on this board, but the possibility of such a confrontation between two parties with no "conscience" could get
    rather ugly.

    Just pointing out the "extreme" in such cause and affect scenarios.

  • Shakita

    The publishing company that masquerades as a religion is a ticking time bomb. What happens as the time is running out.....the people who are attached to it will start to get anxious and try to stop the ticking. In my opinion, this is what is happening in the org. right now. The "society" is feeling the heat from the recent bad press and can't "find a way out." The "rats" are scrambling to rid any essence of an apostacy that might be lurking in their midst.

    The problem comes when the "rat" picks the wrong person to persecute. Some people are very hurt and depressed when they find out the "truth" about the "truth". Their emotions are on edge. Couple that with any judicial decision, shunning of family members, and realizing you have wasted your life to further the monetary pursuits of a publishing company that masquerades as a religion, and you have a very lethal combination. Most people are able to come to grips with this loss of self, others do not cope so well. This is just a fact. A fact that I think the "rats" should be aware of.

    Remember all rats.........the WTBS is a government in itself. The governing body is sitting back and letting the insignificant publisher do all the dirty work. It is the publisher(rat) who will suffer any way from the fallout of the rules the WTBS shovels out. This same senerio has been played out over and over again since the beginning of man. Rats..........the "religion who speaks for God" is playing you all for fools.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • greven

    I am sure I could cook up something nasty to do to someone that turned me in!

    Whistle blowers are never liked, a take the risk of taking some serious flack...


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    They say, it's often the least 'rat' you suspect that is a rat. Any situation that is out of control is ugly.

    Guest 77


    If the rat is found out to be cruising web sites that don`t have WBTS approval.They may decied to DF the messanger as well as the offender..LOL!...OUTLAW


    Yeah, rats . . . I hope thar be rat poison in that food yur eatin'!!

  • HoChiMin

    Check out this link, this is what happens to some rats. http://www.deadrat.net/

    Edited by - hochimin on 31 January 2003 8:9:37

  • greven


    That dead rat site is ugly! Rats with cracked skull. who cooks up those sites?


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