Brothers Needed

by JH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    When going door to door, does the organization rather recruit males than females?

    Edited by - jh on 29 January 2003 6:41:29

  • logansrun

    I think they will take whoever they can get, judging by the people in that organization.

    Seriously, I do think they are DELIGHTED when a man with half a brains starts studying.

  • jesusstolemyhotrod

    i don't think they care either way......male or is not the issue to them as long as they "pump up the volume"

  • blondie

    If they really preferred recruiting men, then brothers would go out in the ministry in the evenings when people are most likely to be home and men are most likely to answer the door.

    The elders would cultivate the interest of unbelieving spouses instead of viewing them as a demonized impediment to the wife and children.

    The reason there are so many women is that women do the bulk of the ministry during times when women are most likely to be home and answer the door. At least this was the case when more women were stay-at-home. Now that women work more outside the home, the demographics are changing.

    Most people baptized today (80% or more) are the minor children of JWs.


  • Xander

    Does the Watchtower prefer recruiting men?

    I'd hazard that the WT is specifically interested in NOT recruiting men for the exact reasons you give. The men are given all the leadership positions, and leaders can get full of themselves and start questioning the society.

    If you are running a mind control cult, what is more important to have? Lots of people trying to lead using what little logic they posses? Or, one or two people leading? Keep in mind that both genders are expected to go door to door. What's better to have? Door jockeys that are encouraged, no, expected, to take a leadership position? Or, door jockeys that are discouraged from thinking for themselves at all, and whose only recognition is from how many more contributors members they bring in?

  • acsot
    If they really preferred recruiting men, then brothers would go out in the ministry in the evenings when people are most likely to be home and men are most likely to answer the door.

    The elders would cultivate the interest of unbelieving spouses instead of viewing them as a demonized impediment to the wife and children.

    Blondie: well said! In the congregations I've been attending in the past few years, hardly any brothers went door to door in the evenings. If at they went out at all, they often went on Bible studies their wives had begun.

    There is rarely any socializing with unbelieving spouses, even when they are agreeable to their wives' participation in JW life. Great way to encourage non-believers and demonstrate "true Christian love" !

  • RubaDub

    Yes, I would say without question that getting a new "brother" is preferable since they can be given a far greater range of "privledges" than can a sister.

    I don't remember what the current value of a woman is in the organization but the last time I checked it was around 8 sheep and a he goat for a woman that is of the "humble and mild spirit." The value drops to just a couple of sheep (and forget the goat) for sisters that have a tendency to think and express their own opinions on issues.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • RubaDub

    Please note I stand corrected on the previous post:

    It was brought to my attention, that the current value of a fine sister is 8 sheep and 10 turtle doves. The he-goat offer expired at the end of December.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    *****Rub a Dub

    Edited by - RubaDub on 28 January 2003 11:38:27

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