Grandson And His Future Problems.

by Guest 77 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I started this post earlier and then my computer went whacky again. To those who read about my grandson's fall and refusing blood, he no longer is in the intensive care unit, however another 'problem' had been ensuing amidst this crisis, and that has to do with his JW girlfriend and mother.

    In a nutshell, they have tried to 'usurp' my family's role of responsibility especially at the hospital. Instead of allowing the family members to see and request certain things from the doctors, these two dodo birds are making decisions and plans for my grandson while in and out of the hospital. My wife had enough and told my fleshly brother an elder in no certain terms that these two witnesses have no business 'controlling' my grandson's affairs and to butt out. It was announced from the platform that only family members are to visit him for the present time. My family has excluded the girlfriend and mother from seeing my grandson for the time being because of 'controlling' and meddling in personal family matters. The story is more hairy than I'm telling, but like I said, I started this tread before and I ran into some computer problems as it was more detailed, and I don't want to start all over. They have contributed to some of his problems and my daughter's. Just why some people can't mind their own business is amazing to me. Right now they're on my sons nerves and they're ready to zero in on them. I must go before my computer acts up. These JW girls are possessive and manipulative.

    Guest 77

  • Tatiana

    I'm so sorry about your grandson, Guest. I truly hope he'll be well soon. As for the other problem. Good luck. It's funny how they think they can control things. Like it's their God-given right.

    Love to you....


  • Dia

    Missed the first thread. How old is your grandson?

  • Mary

    Hi Guest77:

    Make sure you and your wife kiss ass in this!! Yep, the JW girlfriend will try acting like she's your grandson's wife and will try calling all the shots. You guys were smart to deny her access to seeing him.

    Please keep us informed about your grandson's progress.

    All the best to you.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Dia, my grandson is 19 and she's 21. They keep him away from all the other girls in the congregation. I got all of this information these past few days as I don't meddle into the lives of others, but when it comes to family matters, which includes me, it's different ball game.

    Mary, this girl thinks in her mind that my grandson is married to her. One nurse ask if she was the wife because she a wears a ring that resemble a wedding ring. My daughter and the mother had a verbal warfare at the hospital yesterday. Imagine fighting when my grandson was in intensive care? These incidents would never have happened if they had mind their own business. Now, if that had been my younger daughter, hair would have been torn out of the head of the mother. This battle is not over, I see cold war for some time.

    Titiana, there's no need for such behavior. Where's the respect for 'his' family? He's no longer in the intensive care and resting well. Thanks all.

    Guest 77

  • Debz

    Hi Guest 77.....I feel for you..I recently had my grandson in hospital (only 3 months old)......hope it all goes ok....

  • imanaliento

    Oh boy, oh boy, some people are so headstrong it seems that they are so in to themselves that they do not see what affect it is causing on others.

    I have heard that sons tend to marry someone like their mother, and I've seen it over and over in congregations, young witnesses marrying the first person they go out with. I hope this young man will see how controlling she is and bale.

    good move on your brothers part of excluding them from visiting, as your grandson really needs a quiet atmosphere, It will be nice when he gets to your house so you can continue that enviroment.

    hugs to you!

  • BluesBrother

    Sorry to hear of your grandson's accident, I 'm glad he is on the mend now.

    The trouble with the blood issue is that it is such an emotive one for J W's , for them it is like going into battle. Will they prove their faithful conviction or crumple under pressure? It becomes a personal time of test.

    I believe most are less aware of the details of what blood componants are allowed than we are on the net - but they are determined to stand up at the right time .....

    Good luck and let us know how he progresses.

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