Saddam's speech to the nation

by Nowhere 2 Replies latest social current

  • Nowhere

    I heard some of Saddam's speech that he held to the Iraqi nation (on the news). He warned USA that they can not attac Iraq. Because God is on Saddam's side, and God would never let anyone to beat the Iraqi nation.

    Now we finally know that it infact is Saddam that has the true religion, the connection with God, JW's was the wrong answer...

    I would love to hear his excuse for loosing big time if the war really starts.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    We should also remember that, according to the after-game interviews, God has been on the side of every winning college and pro football team too.

    Everyone thinks God is on their side. It's the one's who think he's ONLY on their side that ya gotta watch out for.

  • kril

    This a dyed in the wool religous propganda. No one with half a brain will willing die for Iraq because they are "God's Nation"! Although I must say he does fit the biblical God in that he kill masses of innocent women and children, and tortures anyone who opposes him. Now that I think about it he does seem to have God's backing.


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