Judges 19-21

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Most witnesses never read this much. Sad they don't. It is the most horrific chapters of the bible and as such my favorites for slapping other JW s with.

    To summerize.:

    A Levite man has a concubine and she runs away to her father. He chases here there and stays several nights. Later they depart but since it's getting dark they stay in Gibeah of Bejamen (If anyone connects this story to saul they are right it is a propaganda against Saul). An old man lets then stay by men surround the house and ask to rape the Levite. (Homosexuality). The guy refuses and throws his concubine out and she in gang raped all night long.

    In the mornign he find her layign at the door dead. Does he mourn... NO he cut her up into twelve pieces and send he into all Israel as a message thus apparently causing and army to be riled together.

    Ask  a JW so far what they see moral about this?

    As a histiran myself I see Jewish proganda trying to denounce Saul but lets go on.

    The men of Israel order Benjamin to surender the sons of Beliel to then m (BTW the NWT horribly mistranslates that phrase!)

    They insteed chose war and war for 3 days killing thousand of their brothers.... Where is Jehovah. Apparetley drunk until Phnehas wakes him up on the third day, then Jehovah tells them: "Do what Joshua did.l. set and ambush"... well not the words.. but the idea is the same....

    So they do and win but as typical they kill everyone.. men, women, babies even animals. 600 escape.

    They then try to find wives for the 600 but at this point read 21 for yourselves. ..

    Use these texts as you would to debunk JW morality.. but for me they are Hellenistic apolgetics for the Saul story to show why he was a bad King.

  • freemindfade
    I remember through the years always questioning to barbaric bible versus (all scripture is beneficial right?) and having someone like my brother who i respect and look up to give some explanation, and turning off my neocortex and accepting it. It's a standard thing being raised as a witness that when the Historicity, righteousness of the bible or the current jw.org is involved you need to be able to say 2+2=5. Because in your mind you have already said "it has to be 5" so you can come up with any kind of crazy reason for how 2+2=5. It's really the height of cult mind control to make us try to disregard these barbaric versus. I have heard it said that this story was also plagiarized with similarities from the sodom and gamorrah debacle. Similar idea, "hey come out and let us rape you" "um how about someone else, I'll just send them out". 

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