by Mary 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    An "inactive" friend of mine (hasn't gone to the Hall for about 11 years now) was visted by the elders on yep, you guessed it: Christmas Day. They asked her the standard questions: Do you still view yourself as a JW? Do you believe this is God's Organization? To which she firmly replied "no, you people are from your father the Devil."

    Well, they told her that they were going to Disfellowship her. She asked on what grounds? She hasn't gone to the Hall in years! They made a few vague remarks and she said that it was slander on their part, and if they tried DF'ing her, she would announce it in the local newspapers that brothers so-and-so DF'd her without any reason whatsoever (it would cost her a few hundred bucks, but she would definitely do it). She promised that she'd name their names and would suggest that they're both pedophiles. I guess they said something like "we'll have you charged with slander" to which she replied "well then, that'll make two of us!"

    They left without DFing her and I haven't heard anything read out at the Hall about it either. I think she managed to scare them a bit, and I think that this might be something others can try. Can you imagine the embarrassment if your name was published in the local newspaper for something like this? And if anyone even hinted that you might be a pedophile, that'd do them more harm than anything.

  • ISP

    hey Mary......if your buddy thinks these guys are paedophiles....she should go to the police......period. No bargaining.....If they are not paedophiles.......saying they are in print is damn stupid.


  • Mum

    Mary, I agree with ISP that suggesting they might be pedophiles would not be a wise move if there is no supporting evidence. However, if she points out that they disfellowshipped her for no reason while they belong to an organization that has a policy of protecting pedophiles from justice, then she has a valid point.

    Those who get the "shepherding" calls should fight back, each in his or her own way. If they wish to ruin people's lives and divide families, then there should be publicity that affects the way they are received in the community.

    Happy New Year!

  • apostate

    If they come and ask these questions:

    • Do you still view yourself as a JW?
    • Do you believe this is God's Organization?

    Just answer yes you do!
    You just witnessed to many bad fruits in the organization and you wait on Jehovah to clean it from "rocks hidden under wather" (bad elders). Untill it happans you don't feel safe and rader be inactive.

    Edited by - Apostate on 1 January 2003 3:13:14

  • pr_capone

    Or if you are in the same situation as I and dont have any family in the troof and just dont care... tell them to @uck off!

  • Monster

    Hi Mary, I don't get this part

    Do you believe this is God's Organization? To which she firmly replied "no, you people are from your father the Devil."..................Well, they told her that they were going to Disfellowship her. She asked on what grounds?

    On the grounds that she doesn't believe it's God Organization and they are from the Devil. Why would she want to stay part of it? If she's going to lose her family members I can understand that but for what other reason would anyone want to stay in there? If you don't have anything to lose, cut em off.

    .....If they are not paedophiles.......saying they are in print is damn stupid ISP

    I agree 100% on that, that's all the public needs to hear is some scorned ex-member falsely accused elders of pedophilia because she was going to be df. It could cripple the work of the true survivors.

    Peace James.

    Edited by - Monster on 1 January 2003 5:38:12

  • Mary

    ISP said: if your buddy thinks these guys are paedophiles....she should go to the police......period. No bargaining.....If they are not paedophiles.......saying they are in print is damn stupid...."

    No, she's not going to actually say that they're pedophiles, but she would say something like "I would not want these men around my children." There's no accusation of pedophilia there, but alot of people might THINK that that's what she's talking about. If they tried suing her for slander, she could innocently say something like "I wouldn't want them around my children, brainwashing them with their insane doctrines." or something like that. The point is: these loving elders would look REALLY bad, no matter what, in their local community and what that would do to their "preaching" work is food for thought! It might make these elders think twice before they try ruining everyone's lives, if their own life had the potential to be ruined.

    Monster asked: On the grounds that she doesn't believe it's God Organization and they are from the Devil. Why would she want to stay part of it? If she's going to lose her family members I can understand that but for what other reason would anyone want to stay in there?

    Monster, you're correct, that's the ONLY reason why anyone in this situation would want to fight back, is because they still have family that are Witnesses. From the posts I've seen here, those who have no family in Dubdom Land, couldn't care less if they're DF'd cause they're not losing anything.

  • freedom96

    It is human nature to be scared when threatened. When you threaten an elder with a lawsuit, you are attacking him personally. He probably doesn't care what you do with the WTS, but when you mention him personally, that changes everything.

    An elder doesn't want to be sued. Even if the suit is totally crazy, he will still have to get a lawyer, and defend it. It will cost him money, lots of it, and probably doesn't have it to spend. And do you think for a second that the WTS is going to back him up and pay his legal bills?? No way!

    If you are in front of the lawyers, and can stand up to them, then I would not have any problem threatening them personally with a lawsuit. But know what you are talking about first. That means educating yourself on what laws you have to base this on. Don't go spouting off something untrue or unreasonable.

    Be interesting to see what most of the elders reactions are if people try this. I do believe it is time for all who have left, to stand up for themselves, not to bow down to their supposed power.

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