The Antichrist?

by reporter 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • reporter

    as posted here

    If Maitreya is the anti-Christ, he sure is a lazy one! The guy is holed up somewhere in London and is about middle aged by now. When will he make his appearance, when he's using a walker to get around and eating creamed corn when he misplaces his false teeth?
    The true anti-christ is fear based religion, which Kathleen Keatings excels at. Fear, gloom, hate, terror, doom....buzzwords for her concept of God and religion. I feel sorry for her and her ilk. The rest of us will rest in a God of Love, as represented by Jesus. If she'd give him 1/10th the attention she gives to this anti-christ bogeyman, she wouldn't have time to obsess on the negative all the time for personal profit and notoriety.

    There is something to be said for fear-based religion cults.

  • heathen

    I hear the concept of the anti christ is real big with the Baptist church . The WT doesn't teach that there is an Anti christ .I mean the incarnation of satan on earth such as in The Omen or the last days with arnold swartzenegger.

  • Athanasius

    Maybe it is the Watch Tower.

  • heathen

    I also know that the protestant church considers the pope the antichrist .

  • meadow77

    Heathen-What do you mean by the protestant church?

  • abbagail

    I hear from the "fundies" on TV that the antichrist will come out of the European Union of Nations (the "new" Roman Empire), and he will be a really "smooth/slick" character, lotta charisma, who will wooooo the world with so-called peace (by his slick words); and then somehow he is to get the death-stroke (like the WT says happened to the UN) but then this EU-antichrist will be revised to life, which is why the whole world will be in "awe" over him so they will believe and follow him, giving everything to him... whatever whatever (I haven't followed it that closely). And then somewhere along in there all hell breaks loose... the great trib or the Big A or whatever... sorry, big holes in this story 'cuz I haven't looked into it in detail... just flipping channels...

  • Focus

    See 1 Jn. 2:18,22 and 2 Jn. 1:7. There is no The Antichrist, just An Antichrist (as there were said to be many of them). The only singularity is expressed at 1 Jn. 4:3 - but when referring to the spirit of antichrist, in context which I interpret as meaning "acceptable philosophy"

    Don't learn your Bible from watching "The Omen" and its sequels, folks. The real thing is a lot worse.

    On this forum I also represent the lions, who got a lot of bad press for their hard work in those dusty arenas.

    (Anti-Babble Hosea 13:7 Class)

  • cookie

    Focus,you wrote:

    "The real thing is a lot worse." I would love to hear you elaborate.


  • Sentinel

    anti-christ= against the message (messenger)

    The possibility of who the anti-christ represents may shock and rock the world and change forever how mankind exists, as I believe it is not a mere person. It is a belief system, a concept, a reasoning--all false and misleading.

    When this "system" crashes, it does not mean the end of mankind. It is a re-birth of mankind, of the human race, to the place of our destiny.

    "Ask, and you shall receive".... "Love is all you need". Michael's message to us, when he came to earth as an emisary of the creators, and lived as the enlightened human man, Jesus, is so simple. Not complicated at all. Mankind complicated things and became their own worst enemy.

  • heathen

    meadow77- Thru out history the protestant and catholic church have had violent struggles over political power such as we see is going on in Ireland today .The pope himself was considered to be the most evil man alive . If you think of the control the catholic church once forced upon european nations and the ruthless treatment of people who stood in oposition or simply challenged the church doctrine it's not hard to imagine the term ati christ being applied to the pope. Focus -I am familiar with that text from John .Jesus did say you are either for me or against me thus the term anti christ ,anti meaning against, so he was more or less talking about people who were opposed to their message .Be that as it may ,the interesting thing here is as the WT has stated that in revelations the term antichrist is not used in description of the beast with the number 666 The beast is violently in opposition to the christian church. It would seem that the beasts mentioned in the bible are not individuals but are indeed world political powers .

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