GB member has chance to witness to the world, but wait.

by Crazyguy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy
    Go therefore and make disciples of the JW church, we have been taught and show the world that you must be part of the Borg and follow the GB as the faithful and discreet slave as gods chosen mouth piece! So with all eyes on the faithful slave his chance to tell the world of this witness he does what? He says that would be "Presumptuous of us.' WHAT! Did Jesus do a face palm ? Did the GB member just pull a Peter? Unbelievable!!!!!
  • goingthruthemotions

    Yep, and the cognitive disonance set in. what a sham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so glad i am awake...just wish my wife would wake up..

  • Scully


    Go therefore and make disciples of the JW church, we have been taught and show the world that you must be part of the Borg and follow the GB as the faithful and discreet slave as gods chosen mouth piece! So with all eyes on the faithful slave his chance to tell the world of this witness he does what? He says that would be "Presumptuous of us.' WHAT! Did Jesus do a face palm ? Did the GB member just pull a Peter? Unbelievable!!!!!

    He's not lying, he's just putting on a show of false humility.

    It is presumptuous; it's just never stopped them from saying so before.

  • Crazyguy
    Scully, did Jesus deny who he was did Paul back down when confronted with persecution? This was the Faithful slaves chance, his opportunity to proclaim himself to the world!!!!
  • mulder_scully
    scully, I've found you!
  • Ding

    The GB tries to have it both ways... God's sole channel of communication who must be obeyed even if their directives don't make sense... but humble men who don't claim to be infallible or inspired like the Bible writers.

    He decided to wear the humble hat this time.

    Makes it less likely you'll be sued...

  • daringhart13

    LOL.....yeah, very presumptuous Geoffery....only....well, you've put it in PRINT thousands of times...... you and YOU alone possess the keys to communication with the Almighty!!!!

    "However, we cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it."Examining the Scriptures Daily 2012 Mar 4
    "All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave" Watchtower 1994 Oct 1 p.8

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