by nickpark 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • nickpark

    THE REAL TRUTH was written 2002 and it is uncopyrighted, being kept in the public domain in order to encourage interested readers to freely make and distribute copies of it earth-wide, for example via the internet and by giving copies to libraries and individuals.


    A. Who We Are
    B. Unity Versus Uniformity
    C. The Kingdom Of God And Its Current Extent
    D. The Seed Of The Kingdom
    E. Starting And Maintaining Bible Get-Togethers
    F. How To Have Enjoyable Bible Get-Togethers
    G. Who The Servants Are
    H. Baptism By Spirit
    I. Water Baptism
    J. The Last Supper Memorial
    K. Bigger Friendship Assemblies
    L. Growth
    M. Facilities
    N. Modern-day Apostles
    O. Hallowed Be Thy Name
    P. How To Avoid Divisions,
    Q. How To Keep Yourself And Others Out Of Danger,
    R. Our Own History And How To Associate With Us,
    S. Why You Can Also Believe In God And The Bible
    T. Conclusion

    A. WHO WE ARE: Obviously the one and only common name for all true Christians is simply CHRISTIANS, although different groups may also use descriptive names such as that of the modern "Free Christians" movement, and in some lands governments may reasonably require the usage of an even more distinctive name. (Ro 13:1) So Free Christians such as ourselves include various groups who may use the name Free Christians or, as desired, choose other names. In the Bible groups meeting in homes in various towns were simply called "Christians at" followed by their particular towns, for example the Christians at Corinth, the Christians at Ephesus, etc. In such things there is Christian freedom. (Ro 14:1-6)

    B. UNITY VERSUS UNIFORMITY: We are individuals and groups of two or more (Mt 18:3) Christians who base wholesome fellowship or friendships on loving-kindness, and realize no one is perfect or knows everything perfectly except God. Besides our unity from the greatest bond of union, namely LOVE (Col 3:14), we are united by belief in the Christian basics at Hebrews 6:1-2 rather than any forced uniformity of beliefs. Unity and uniformity are in fact two different concepts. We also believe in championing the Christian freedom to differ on other Bible views even as Romans 14:1-6 grants. God did not make all flowers the same color but made them a rainbow of beautiful colors, so variety is simply a natural, good part of His loving will. True Christians are also naturally opposed to evils such as racism (Acts 10:34) and try insofar as it depends upon themselves to be peaceful toward others. (Ro 12:18)

    Although there is great freedom to differ, many believe for example that God will resurrect some on Earth as He did throughout the Bible although others go to serve with Christ in heaven. (Mt 5:5, 6:10) Also, we need to help the needy (Ga 2:10), and can enjoyably share the Good News as a witness to God's goodness in any way our heavenly Father's Spirit may move us. (Mt 28:19) We seek continuous growth in learning about God and Christ (Jn 17:3), note that the being Satan not God Almighty caused human suffering and death.

    C. THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ITS PRESENT EXTENT: As Christians we invite yourself and others to also believe with us that the Kingdom of God in heaven now gently rules in the lives of all true Christians. We pray that it will eventually fully cover all the Earth as well as heaven. We are not friends of the world of wickness, which means evildoers and their deeds of crime and cruelties inflenced not by our heavenly Father but Satan, but we definitely can associate for honorable purposes with any person of essentially wholesome influence, although we are all imperfect regardless of sincerity and best efforts.

    This means we can also work with and indeed need to also respect persons of Goodwill who are in other faiths such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism and even kindly skeptics of all religion who may be agnostics or atheists, although we naturally differ and pray that our fine conduct may in time help win some of them to also enjoy true Christianity. So long as wholesome and peaceful persons of all beliefs are welcome to attend our get-togethers.

    The Bible says we are also respect human governments as these exist at God's discretion usually for good purposes. An exception comes only where they behave in not just a burdensome way but actually oppose God's will, for example in beastly shedding the blood of Christians as seen right into modern times for example under Hitler, Stalin and Mao. (Re 17:6) For 2,000 years on and off in first one land then another true Christians have endured severe persecution or great tribulation, but been victorious thanks to the love and mercy of God so that some flesh would continue to survive.

    To the extent that even some non-Christian persons of Goodwill do not oppose God's Will but are kindly, they too are in natural harmony with Gods own Kingdom will which we can define as the greatest commandment which is to show of love for God Almighty Himself as well as show neighborly love toward other people. (Matthew 22:36-40) In time the Kingdom of God will cover all the Earth, its many peoples and nations, bringing true peace upon the planet, healing humans from various sicknesses, other sufferings and death which are all caused by Satan, not our heavenly Father, whose own good name or purpose we sincerely wish to vindicate.

    D. THE SEED OF THE KINGDOM: The Christian arrangement for enjoyable, quick yet orderly growth began with one seed, Jesus Christ, who identified himself with it while speaking amidst its opponents, the Pharisees. (Luke 17:21) He compared the Kingdom to a mustard seed which is the smallest common seed visible to the eye among plants in the Middle East, noting that such a tiny seed there can become huge with branches that the birds of heaven can live among. (Mk 4:30-32) Today we continue to plant seeds for new Christian groups earthwide. (Mt 24:14, 28:19) The Kingdom of God remains safely in heaven (Mt 6:10, Da 2:44) but it also has had branches throughout much of the Earth and inside the minds and hearts of many true Christian believers; and also to varying degrees already influences and exerts power even in the lives of many non-believers.

    E. STARTING AND MAINTAINING SPRITUAL GET-TOGETHERS: Places, times, and events for fellowshipping can vary but as a helpful guide, you can by word of mouth, tract or leaflet etc invite any friendly person, family member or neighbor, to enjoy fellowship including at least some Bible reading with you at your own private home or some public place such as an inexpensive restaurant or beautiful park. These get-togethers may be each Sunday, every other Sunday, or as little as once a month for example at noon or indeed any other day, hour or frequency you truly feel is best for your own situation. Keep them fun and wholesome. Christ recommends inviting those who are blind and lame to enjoy a party (Luke 14:13), which is exactly what our goal for spiritual get-together should be more like, certainly not some kind of stuffy, formal, dull or boring occasion! Isnt it true that joy is a fruitage of God's Spirit!? (Ga 5:22)

    F. HOW TO HAVE ENJOYABLE BIBLE GET-TOGETHERS: You may select a Bible chapter or scriptures in a chapter that you will be reading. At the outset attenders may be asked to sit informally in a circle or around a table, pray with you. It is not required but probably wise to next read 2 Timothy 3:16 which reminds everyone in attendance that no fleshly male or female person or persons but the entire, comforting Spirit-inspired Bible itself is our one and only real Teacher. In particular the New Testament example and words of our heavenly king Jesus Christ not only serve as our one and only real spiritual Leader and hence true main Teacher at such get-togethers (Mt 23:10) but also defuses any concerns about who may or may not be a groups. One excellent highly reputable Bible translation is called the New International Version which is available in many languages including English, most European and some African and Asian languages.

    Simply go ahead and one person, several or each by turn may complete the reading of the selected Bible verses or chapter. Each time after this main Bible reading encourage those in attendance to ask themselves if the scriptures or chapter just read might be personally applied to help with their own lives. Also everytime be sure to gently remind attenders to invite newcomers to come and also tell the attenders to feel free to form a new Bible reading group that will get together in their own home or wherever is best. (Mt 7:7, 28:19)

    Singing joyful public domain songs and or chanting any of the Psalms is encouraged. (1Co 14:26, Ep 5:19, Col 3:16, Jas 5:13) After a concluding prayer, you may informally share spiritual experiences, differing views, teach children who are attending new things by games or in other ways, share a meal, picnick or snack treat. You may also arrange for volunteers who would be glad to go to help someone or others in need, to beautify or otherwise improve communities etc. Some groups may elect to read a chapter of the New Testament each week by also include some verses from the Old Testament and or encourage attenders to read from it on their own. Freely put events into a different order than what you have read here if you feel that would be better.

    G. WHO THE SERVANTS ARE: Any group of two or more Free Christians may by vote, appointment or other agreed upon arrangment designate those who are serving them as their "servants" or, if elderly, their elderly servants called "elders" for short. Again, as with earliest Christianity the only Leader and mediator between yourself as a Christian and God Almighty is Jesus Christ (Mt 23:10, 1Ti 2:5), who is the most faithful and discrete slave for God, (Mt 24:45). As the only Son of God ever born to a woman who has proved faithful unto death, he remains the main role model for all human servants today. When Christ first began preaching he noted that he had come to liberate and lift up those whose spirits had been crushed. (Lu 4:18) His yoke is light and refreshing. (Mt 11:29-30)

    Being a servant is serving people reputably such that they recognize this about you, and in nations where law requires it, groups of two or more Christians can certify in writing that a person is their Christian servant. Being a servant is a description of fact, not a title to puff yourself up, not for ruling, lording over, or bossing around people as if of some different and superior class upon Earth, but rather for the serving of other people in a friendly way, not above but below or at most equal to them. True Christianity and being a Christian servant is about trying to actively live a kind and godly Way of life (Ac 9:15, 19:9,m 24:14) instead of supporting some high control, formal organization.

    Since human servants of a Christian group, which some for convenience may call a Bible Group, are not rulers and the Bible itself speaks to and teaches the entire group in a formal way instead of any imperfect human being (2Ti 3:16), there is no reason why a group cannot consider or declare that a female is a servant as Paul did with Phoebe (Ro 16:1), if she is in fact serving as such. However, in some lands it may be dangerous for a female to be formally designated or informally called a Christian servant even though no domination over others is meant, and in so to take of all cases each group remains free to do as works best. In Christ both sexes are as one. (Ga 3:28, 29)

    H. BAPTISM BY SPIRIT: If you believe and rejoice about the Christian basics given at Hebrews 6:1-2, then you can consider yourself baptised by God's Holy Spirit at once. (Jn 1:33, Acts 11:16) The truth is that there is no rule in the Bible requiring anyone to study, whether formally or informally, for months or years to become a Christian even though some may do so. The basic beliefs of Christianity as noted at Hebrews 6 include the fact further stated elsewhere that Christ's ransom sacrifice potentially saves all humans (Jn 3:16from death by offering us the resurrection hope. Thus even those considered unjust or righteous (Act 24:15), that is who did not know and do God's will, also will receive ressurection to live with a second chance to learn and do God's will before His final judgment, however given their pasts obviously on Earth rather than in heaven.

    I. WATER BAPTISM: Symbolic baptism as a Christian via immersion in water should normally be used to publicly symbolize the spiritual baptism or rebirth into Christ (also called being saved), although in all kindness you can also consider any special situations such as extreme health problems or persecution. In such rare cases it may only be possible for a person to receive spiritual baptism, and if for example in an iron lung you have to not immerse but publicly towel bathe part of the persons body and or use sprinkling, as is remindful of what Hebrews 10:22 says. Each individual must decide if and when God's Spirit has called him or her ready for water baptism, and may be assisted with this by any other Christian, or in unusual cases even baptise themselvs as attested to by only God, Christ, and Holy Spirit.

    J. THE LAST SUPPER MEMORIAL: Although most may observe the Lord's Supper memorial once yearly, some may for example wish to use the regular get-together meals as occasions when they can also examine themselves as to whether they are worthy of partaking of the memorial emblems, and freely partake if they wish since the 144,000 number mentioned at Revelation 7:4 and 14:3 as serving in heaven may be symbolic rather than literal, especially in view of Revelation 19:1, and so those to be included with Christ are likely still not all in heaven.

    Christ simply said to observe the occasion whenever gathered in his name without designating frequency. Some may wish to observe the main Last Supper according to reckoning by Jews for the Passovers date which varies because lunar-based, since Christs Last Supper was based upon it, while others may find it more convenient to go by the dating used by most Christians. Some groups may also wish to include symbolic foot washing (Jn 13) or adding other items for a full Seder meal symbolic of Exodus events as was and is also done at Jewish Passovers and was done the night of the original Last Supper: a boiled bottom-scoarched egg, bitter herbs such as horse radish or vegetables dipped in salt water etc. In situations of persecution observance may be at an unusal time and place or simply done spiritually within ones own mind and heart devoted as a temple dedicated to God.

    K. BIGGER FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLIES: It is not required but recommended that the first weekend of June and October each year, you go to your national, state or provincial, or, as necessary, simply the nearest main park, especially if it allows overnight camping, for a "Friendship Get-together." Invite at least one friend to go with you as this is the only way to be sure you will have friend company once there, although you may also possibly find other friends at the park, in particular if you camp there. You may take along a Bible, Bible leaflets (make your own if necessary simply by writing out 2-3 thoughtful key verses), music, food, insect repellant, etc and wear something green so as to be easily recognized by any of the other friends who may also assemble there. All responsibilities including the making of advance arrangements and looking after any accompanying children remain your own, and if anyone tries to cause problems at such bigger get-togethers then you have recourse to park rangers or police (Ro 13:1).

    L. GROWTH: Know from the beginning whenever you form a Bible group that it is only natural and fully anticipated that eventually some attenders will have to move away or develop some manner of personality differences, and therefore this is recommmended. Each time a group gets together remind everyone that having one or more new groups is a a good and anticipated goal and that you will do whatever you can to help them with such growth. It only takes a sentence to say it. If any express concern that forming new groups will be overly saddening, note that groups can freely form, cooperate and meet time to time in larger Associations of Christian groups and informal friendship groups. It is normal to feel some sadness especially if you yourself helped inspire and form a group, but this is simply natural for growth and fellowship and the joint promoting of fine works and projects can continue even if groups are geographically far apart.

    Groups grow best via what is called the Natural Method. This is where happy attenders tell other people of their happiness so that they too want to be part of the group.

    People may not join a Bible group just because it will help themselves but because they hear and see that it is a group which reaches out to help other people in need such as the poor, blind, those in wheel-chairs, the homeless and not properly clothed, those who are imprisoned, sick and dying, starving. Christ teaches us by his own example, and he often helped such people. When he did this he drew larger crowds than if he had just said words. Preaching about Gods Kingdom is good, but living and promoting it right now so that it actually does good always makes far more people happier and eager to be a part of a group. Christ not only spoke illustrations but he healed and fed people who were in need. Happiness brings natural growth which in some times and places may not seem enormous, but it tends to remain solid and steady. We can work like modern apostles at inviting people and planting a lot of seeds or Bible groups for more of them to grow, and our own personalities need to show love and fairness to all.

    M. FACIILITIES: Although there are no rules against renting a community room, hotel, or even a large assembly or convention site for such big get-togethers. However, the money that this would take needs very weighed carefully against its being put to good usage helping the needy or other good deeds. In similar manner, there is no rule against possibly outright buying and then holding local get-togethers in a regular church building instead of a home-church or park setting. It is natural and good that different people have different preferences, and so let us not judge any group or its servants over such things. (Ro 14:4)

    N. MODERN-DAY APOSTLES: Depending on local situations you may especially wish to encourage capable attenders to form a new group when your group numbers anywhere from, for example, 3 to 12 or so attenders. God's Spirit, not necessarily any human, may inspire and call you out at times to visit with scattered groups as a modern-day "apostle," who is not a dictator who can force views onto others but who can gently make recommendations, circulate gifts from other Christians, and pray before moving on. In the Greek apo- means from stle means sent forth. Not all but at least some may also feel happily called out to serve as evangelizers traveling normally as two persons from one city to another, seeking to teach friendly people for example in their homes. Please do not unduly presume upon anyone's hospitality though, and realize that trying to canvass everywhere at every single home is in fact spoken against at Luke 10:7. The Bible says Christ and apostles went from one house in a town to another house in another town where there was interest, but going house to house in this sense is not the same as every door to evry door.

    However each one of us has different skills, talents or gifts, and the hand as well as the mouth can witness to Gods glory.

    O. "HALLOWED BY THY NAME:" Fairly common Christian groups such as Baptists and some less common ones such as Jehovah's Witnesses emphasize the using of God's name or a title. We ourselves maintain that people are free to use any appropriate form of the divine name or respectful titles such as Lord. Possibilities include the abbreviated intimate form Jah as in Hallelujah which literally means Praise Jah but is often rendered Praise the Lord, Yahweh which many scholars consider a probable reconstruction of the original Hebrew spelled without vowels (YHWH), or Jehovah which is the common English form. But for highly natural, intense expression we can also simply call God Almighty precisely as we are told by Christ in the Lord's or Our Father Prayer, and as also so directed by Paul, namely our "Father," the One who is in heaven. (Mt 6:9, Ro 8:15) Holding God's name "holy" is not just saying a preferred pronunciation, but applying ourselves in acts of natural kindness so as to bring great praise that glories God who has inspired us as He Himself alone is truly good and loving.

    P. HOW TO AVOID DIVISIONS OVER TRINITY, HELL, THE SOUL ETC: Although free to differ (Ro 14:1-6) to many of us God Almighty, whether called Jah, Yahweh, Jehovah or another name, is the Father, Jesus Christ is His Son, and Holy Spirit is His comforting power if not a person, although the three are united as one in purpose and Romans 1:20 speaks of the glory of Gods eternal power and Godship. So there are different persons or entities yet one Godship. Whether trinitarian, unitarian, modal or of some other view about Gods precise nature, let us never divide from or oppose as if wicked those who are actually kind, whether we personally think they may be right or wrong on some views, but rather allow the freedom Paul says to grant at Romans 14:6.

    The same thing holds true about if all or only part of the dead are now conscious spirits or if all the dead are unconscious bodies in the grave until resurrection, if hell is a place of literal fire or symbolic of non-existence, etc. Most of us believe the dead are dead until resurrected but would not and should not ever stop loving someone just because they happened to feel differently. (Ec 9:5) It is sad that at times some groups have had unhappy splits over if modern musical instruments like organs and guitars are appropriate, if lipstick is permissible etc! True Christianity is not about trying to micro-manage and control peoples lives, but about bringing greater happiness. Its about having Christian friends, not robots!

    Although correct knowledge is needed (Jn 17:3, He 6:1-2) getting through the narrow gate to God and staying in His love means that we must consider love for other believers as even more important. Doesnt Christ say that we are judged by this treatment of other as being like either sheep or goats? We are not judged by our shouting Lord, Lord at Christ in claiming to him that we are Christians or by pointing to other deeds however powerful or marvelous. The Bible speaks well of seperating for good purposes but opposes in-fighting over words and other negative divisions. Love, active love, not just words, is Gods main characteristic! (1Jn 4:8)

    Q. HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF AND OTHERS OUT OF DANGER: This is done by educating yourself and others on things told about here. Specifically, the Bible speaks in Revelation against what is called Babylon the Great which is all abusive organized religion within whom are daughter groups (Re 17:5) that harm members, rob them of joy and even cause some of them to die. It is also life-saving to note what some of the most dangerous teachings and tactics of such abusive groups are without even having to give their group names, and we will also include here some scriptures showing that that even when such groups do cite scriptures for their teachings, they do not include still other scriptures that balance those. Please actually read the scriptures that are in parentheses.

    To begin, such groups may teach against medical doctors or mental health practicers, (Mt 9:12) oppose a specific medical treatment such as emergency blood transfusions where they cite Acts 15 but not Matthew 12, denounce publications speaking against their misleadership, curtail association beyond their own groups etc, and practice formal judging whether openly so or secretly that causes members to be marked, shunned, disfellowshipped, excommunicated or otherwise expelled with the loss of much if not all normal social relations with the targeted member's family and friends who are also members of the group. Such formal group-wide shunning goes against 2 Corinthians 2:6 which shows Paul asking the Majority who had agreed with him that a scandelous wrongdoer should be shunned instead accept him back to fellowship, which logically means that a Minority had all along chosen not to follow his suggestion, no scriptures showing them condemned for doing so. Further, verses speak against formal judging except for relatively trivial matters such as in business. (1Cor 6:2, James 4:11, 12) Although Paul could give orders requiring obedience by working for or with his own missionary group, he was not a spiritual dictator over everyone since other Christians were free to also not go by what he said.

    An abusive group may have a history of unsuccessfully predicting dates for Armageddon or when Gods Kingdom would be fully upon Earth, a misprediction or series of mispredictions which disrupted many lives (Mt 24:36) -- and they may still be emphasizing Armageddon. They may fleece regular members by claiming they must be paid or given tithes, compel the regular members to sell magazines about the Bible, subtly or informally push them to sell health food supplements or flowers. They may rob people of their joy by claiming that they must or must not observe certain days and festivals such as Sabbaths and holidays (contrast Ga 4:10, Col 2:16 ), pressure attendance at numerous formal boring meetings, isolate them from family and friends who are not members, denounce or call dissenters names such as "sons of perdition," or "apostates" etc, and pressure members to avoid reading literature that tells the hard truth. Here's a couple examples of how they can selectively use a scripture or partial information to isolate members from other good people:

    For one example, Paul said we are free to marry anyone "only in the Lord" (1 Cor 7:39) which an abusive group may teach is an absolute order that we MUST not marry a person of another faith outside Christianity or even not marry a person who is in another branch of the Christian faith, even though most Christians take it to mean that in general we SHOULD not marry such a person although there may sometimes be exceptions. Scriptures show the very earliest apostles disciples were actually both Jews and Christians, Christianity later extending to those who were pagans who became Jews then Christians, or went directly from paganism to being Christian. God did not oppose Joseph marrying Asenath (Be 41:45), daughter of Potphera the priest of On in Egypt, a city also known as Beth Shemesh in Hebrew which mean House (of the) Sun (Jer 43:13) and later in Greek as Helipolis, meaning Sun City, because the sun god was worshipped there. Asenath gave birth to Mannaseh and Ephraim (Ge 41:50-52, 46:20) from whom came two of Israel's 12 tribes. Moses married Zipporah, and their sons were Gershom and Eliezer (Ex 2:16-12, 18:2-4). Her father was an Arabic chief named Jethro who is also called Reul, a priest in the wasteland of Midian. Jehtro was not originally a worshipper of the true God because after Moses returned over the Red Sea only then did Jethro say that Moses' God was greater than all other gods. (Ex 18:10) Esther married King Ahasuerus, likely Xerxes I of Persia, son of Darius the Great. Her marriage to the king was definitely approved by God because it resulted in His guiding her to save the Jews from genocide, as remembered in the Festival Purim that is still observed. While some may say that the wives of Moses and Joseph likely converted to being worshippers of their husbands' God, this cannot be argued in the case of Esther.

    In ancient Israel God said to not marry members of idol-worshipping nations which He named, but those nations no longer exist. Paul pointed out that followers of Christ, whether previously Jewish or pagan, have only "one faith," and at the time he wrote that he did meant the general Christian faith, not some branch of it such as at Jerusalem, Corinth, Antioch, etc. That is the reality of how the one faith is today also. There are branches of it but together they all still form but one faith. In fact at 1 Timothy 4:1-5 Paul says it is against God to tell persons they MUST not be marrying, and this would certainly apply all the more in dealing with marriages within the faith today also. So although it is normally best for a Christian to marry only another Christian, just as Solomon once indicated there is a time and a place for everything, or in other words the Bible does allow for exceptional cases, although abusive groups pretend otherwise.

    How some groups misuse or give out wrong information to deprive members from joyful holiday occasions that can build up families also deserves some quick illustrating. Claims are made that Santa may derive from Siberian wizards or an ancient Asian god who came down chimneys when in fact the original was Saint Nicholas of the Middle Ages who wore red and at night slipped dowry money through cracked wooden window flaps to fall upon the chimney hearth where poor girls found the money next morning that would provide husbands for them and they would not have to be sold into slavery which sometimes included prostitution. Its claimed that Thanksgiving is a nationalistic holiday for stoking American pride when in fact its also celebrated in the Phillipines, Liberia, Guam, South Korea, some of the Carribean etc, there were forerunners of it throughout Europe, and it goes by other names in modern German lands. Easter is called an evil paganism because its claimed its name is from an ancient Goddess, the eggs and rabbits vestigates of pagan fertility rites, even though it may also derive from the Anglo-Saxon for East (Christianity came from the Middle East) and the eggs and rabbits are used to symbolise new life as in the resurrection of Christ which is what the holiday is about. Paul says we have Christian freedom about holidays and Sabbaths at Galatians 4:10 and Colossians 2:16

    Although we may be nice and intelligent, when not fully informed we or our loved ones may yet be drawn to such a group because at first those who are already members make a point to show sincerity and radiate an intense aura of sisterly or brotherly love; and its literature quotes the Bible and seems logical or evades explaining all its required beliefs. The newly attracted persons dont realize that the friendly persons already in the group may have to be in it 10 or 50 years before realizing its darker side, and then be unable to easily quit it because that would lose all their family and friends in it. As illustrated above, the groups literature may use scriptures but not all scriptures dealing with given topics so as to slant teachings dangerously. People may not be fully told the truth about required views on education, sex in marriage, courtship, places allowed for employment, what and how much to eat and drink, what to wear or how to dress and groom etc for many many years as emphasis from the inner circles is put on a gradual revealing of new light revelations. The top leaders of such a group count on it that when most people discover the real truth they will feel that it is too late in life, that their love for and social or economic ties to others in the group cause them to stick with the group rather than try another better group with new friends!

    The Clergy in some of these bright, happy seeming groups hold onto extremely dark secrets that regular members could not bear if they knew of them at the outset, for example policies hiding and easing pedophilia and other sexual abuses, especially by male clergy who lord it sexually over female members or even other non-clergy male members. They justify this because it keeps their groups image shining brightly as an angel of light. Clergy, who may not even call themselves clergy and pretend there are no clergy-laity divisions, may even wiretap other members and have other non-clergy allies to maintain control, severely harass and otherwise train, mold, discipline, severely test and sift out freethinkers who are automatically considered disloyal enemies in such cult kingdoms. Such groups sometimes collaborate in spying and other doings. Ironically they also often mock the true Kingdom of God by pretending to be its sole representative organization on Earth, if not openly so before all members then among their inner circles of more intimate peers.

    R. OUR OWN HISTORY AND HOW TO ASSOCIATE WITH US: As said, we are a branch of the one true Christian faith which is Christianity in general (Eph 4:5) and which has existed since the founding by Christ, and we emphasize unity by love instead of uniformity, the simple basics at Hebrews 6:1-2, freedom to differ in Christian views and the doing of acts of kindness or good deeds (Ro 14:1-5; Ga 5:10) The modern Free Christians movement began in the late 1980s, and for example the branch which has composed this publication you are reading, began in only 1998. Most associating individuals and groups are at least partly internet-based and many are international, but others are relatively quiet and located in homes without computers. We are mostly internet-based and international in lands such as the United States, the UK, Canada, Australia, Africa and Eastern Asia.

    Some of the friends have formed or affiliated with Free Christians groups after leaving rather high control groups, whether Adventistic, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, United Pentacostals or others. Others have been in and in some cases continue to feel comfortable being in association with groups who in their own right also do much to keep and promote Christian freedom. For example some persons who are moderate, less dogmatic and friendly Baptists simultaneously associate in fellowships for Christian athletes or societies who distribute Bibles. For still others this is their one and only Christian affiliation. As explained, to be one of us at once (Acts 16:33) you simply agree with what is written here, and anytime feeling well enough and inspired to do so are invited to share those beliefs whether by word of mouth (Mt 28:19) or tender acts of loving-kindess.

    S. WHY YOU CAN ALSO BELIEVE IN GOD AND THE BIBLE: Common questions followed by answers are given below here to show why we can believe in God and also believe that the Bible is trustworthy despite what some have thought were contradictions or unbelievable events:

    Q) Why can't we see God if He exists? A) Exodus 20:33 says to directly see the Source of all the hot, radiation-filled stars would cause us to die (Ex 20:33), which is logical and also shows that God's being invisible is an act of kindness. Also, invisibility does not disprove the existence of a Source for all existence because for example even the wind and gravity are also invisible yet exist.

    Q) Why can I believe the Bible since it says God made Earth in just 7 days? A) The creative Days could have been billions of years long because in Hebrew yohm (day) as in English can refer to a period as in "in Rome's day."

    Q) Why believe the Bible's saying early humans lived for hundreds of years? A) Earth may have had an atmosphere which was then able to screen out fast-aging radiation better, and there may have been plants, yes, even a tree providing antioxidant richer fruits etc for prolonging life.

    Q) The Gospel writers gives different statements as to who saw what on resurrection day, so why is the Bible believable. A) The slight variations are in fact proof there were different writers, not the same person or a group that got together and wrote identical accounts, and the variations like dawn (Mt 28), just after sunrise (Mk 16), early in the morning (Lk 24) and while still dark (Jn 20) are not contradictory. John is not saying it was pitch dark but still dark which is true of when the sun has just barely dawned or arisen early in the morning. In the case of who the women were John does not mention anyone but Mary Magdalene because she is the only one of the women who ran and exclaimed to him (the apostle loved of Christ) and Peter "We don't know" where Christ's body is, the pronoun WE being revealing. Matthew says an angel was at the tomb, Mark says young man, Luke says two men in gleaming clothing, John mentions neither man nor angel. Here too there were different writers telling different things they had been told. Matthew had heard of one angel, Mark says young man and an angel can appear as one, Luke mentioned two men but the "gleaming clothing" indicates they were not humans, and John mentions neither humans nor angels as Mary Magdalene said nothing of them when speaking to him and Peter.

    Q) Isn't it ridiculous for the Bible to say Eve was made from a rib? A) It is no stranger than to read that men can now clone creatures from individual cells.

    Q) Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) say the inscription on the stauros (cross, stake) said one thing, others that it said another, so why believe the Bible? A) This shows they were indeed different persons who actually witnessed what they wrote about rather than the same person or persons who got together and wrote identical words. Being different persons they noted points that drew their attention most. Matthew 27:37 says "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews," Mark 15:25 says "King of the Jews," Luke 23: 38 says "This is the King of the Jews," John 19:19 says "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."

    Q) Isn't the Bible saying that humans will be brought back to life is impossible? A) Since we can now "resurrect" movie stars electronically, why consider the resurrection hope as a totally impossible dream?

    Q) Why believe the Bible when it says God floated an axe on water? A) Men today float million ton vessels in water or the nothingness of space which weigh far more than an axe.

    Q) The sun could not have "stood still" for Joshua, so the Bible is lying, isn't it? A) No, because clouds with ice have sometimes reflected light from over the horizon.

    Q) Isn't it illogical to call God our Father? A) The source for this universe has provided us earth, food, water, life, intelligence, and therefore since a good father is a good provider it really is not illogical to call such a Source our Father. The word God is used as an abbreviation for "the source of this universe that provides for us in a fatherly manner."

    Q) Some Bible censuses of the same tribe differ, so doesn't that prove the Bible is false? A) Verses can vary due to children or elderly people being listed in one census but not others that are just for able-bodied men.

    Q) One Bible verse says a certain city was destroyed in one chapter but in another chapter seems to say it was still existing, so isn't the Bible contradicting itself? A) There could have easily been two cities with the same name.

    Q) Since one verse says Christ did no baptizing while another says his disciples did the baptizing, isn't the Bible contradicting itself? A) Even today we may say a certain man build a skyscraper when in fact not himself directly but workers on his behalf did so, so that both such statements are correct.

    Q) Isn't God cruel since humans die? A) God wanted the first humans to live on forever. He warned them how to avoid death but they ignored Him, instead believing Satan. Yet He was still kind enough to provide the later ransom of Jesus Christ so that all who have died may live again. That's not cruel.

    Q) Isn't God cruel since He permitted slaves in ancient times? A) Christ said God had also permitted men to divorce women not because He wanted such but because He knew that to not allow it would lead to even greater cruelty, and so in similar manner He permitted but regulated slavery so that it would not be as viciously imposed as it would otherwise have been.

    Q) How could Cain have had offspring since it would have been incest to have married a sister? A) Among the earliest humans there was no major chance that brother and sister marriages would produce genetically defective children, so such unions were acceptable, whereas today that is no longer true.

    Q) Is the fact that there are germs proof God is cruel since they cause disease? A) If the original two humans had kept the bodies of themselves and their descendants perfect as was the case originally, no germs could have caused humans to have disease, suffering and death.

    Q) Isn't the Bible false when in Revelation it speaks of Earth having four corners? A) In Isaiah it in Hebrew describes Earth as a "HHlug" which can be interpreted as circle or globe. The verse in Revelation which is a highly symbolic book can also be viewed as simply symoblic, although it is literally true that the Earth has long had four conjoined land masses: 1. the Americas 2. Europe-Asia-Africa 3. Australia 4. Antartica

    T. CONCLUSION: This is really written so that you can at once and on your own share the information with others. Also please feel free to make and give away copies of this publication, even translate it into other languages. The more often you do so the more the information will spread and new friends can also begin to do the same. (Mt 28:19)

    May there be many blessings including eternal life for you and all your loved ones, both among the living and those now asleep in death until resurrection. (Jn 3:16) As the angels noted at the birth of Christ, peace and joy unto all of Good Will everywhere!

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Its only 6-8 pages depending on font size. My favorite is the C part. Why not leave some about wherever you drive these Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays?

  • cookie

    After reading some or all of this thread, does anyone think that this "new" publication was authored by an xjw?(or someone still affiliated with the WT)

  • LB

    Well Nancee another spam attack. I have a feeling that this may cost you.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Personally I love it. LB, by "cost" me it sounds like a threat. Is it? If so how. It isn't spam to post an item here. You know better. Also Simon has never griped about a posting of literature before since he also believes in freedom of opinions. Why don't you, LB? After being in the WT it would seem like you would value freedom of expression.

  • LB

    Nancee one reason is because you have dual accounts, something that is against the rules here. Another reason is Simon asked you not post duplicate posts. He said that is a form of spam.

    And Nancee, you sound like more of a robot than any JW I know. With you it's the same old stuff. It's actually ok with me that you post gargabe (garbage in my book) because I think that's your right. But duplicate stuff is just filling up the bandwidth.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I'm starting to feel sad for Nick/Nancee ... this crusade will lead nowhere. It may convince a few Bible hungry travellers to hook up with the ideas for a while, but it all sounds very manic/obsessive and not dissimilar to the way the WTS teaches & preaches.

    Why not leave this around over the holiday period? Because 99.9% of the people I know would think "crackpot". Personally my days of forcing bits of paper with mumbo-jumbo written all over it onto people or property died a few years ago.

    Take onboard the Christian qualities, lead your life in a fine way if you choose and teach others by example. If I were to be Christian, that would be my way. Most people have access to a Bible and are quite capable of reading "The Good News" and picking up the personality of Christ. Is there really a need to force our own ideas about custom/tradition down peoples throats?

    As a Christian I would never celebrate Christmas, for example. Clearly a Pagan ritual. But according to the gospel of Park & co' - it is acceptable.... etc etc Your ideas, your way, not the way of everybody has to live. the same goes for your other theories.

    Love & peace & a chocolate muffin to you

    (your posts never bother me, so carry on, I like to read them, even though I can't stomach the spirit of them without a moan at you)

  • ozziepost

    I'm starting to feel sad for Nick/Nancee ... this crusade will lead nowhere. It may convince a few Bible hungry travellers to hook up with the ideas for a while, but it all sounds very manic/obsessive and not dissimilar to the way the WTS teaches & preaches.

    Why not leave this around over the holiday period? Because 99.9% of the people I know would think "crackpot".

    Sounds reasonable to me. Why do so many Christians put people "off" the Gospel?

    IMO the last thing a Dub or even exDub wants is to have a "message" thrust in their face. I thought we learned that in the Borg too.


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