Meeting with JW's weekly-HELP!

by bound2fly2002 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bound2fly2002

    Hello,am new here and have questions . I need to know what the topic of Knowledge leads to life is really about and if anyone can tell me scriptures that would be helpful to refute this. Have been studying with them for quite awhile and have visited the Hall a couple of times. Every time we get on a lesson and I read the Bible to put what the Watchtower is saying they always disagree! How can I best help these Witnesses see the wrongs here.I do love them dearly as I do anyone else.Does no good to argue over things,but I sure ask alot of questions. One of the JW women makes interesting comments like "I am happy with this religion for now until I found something better or see something wrong" and "this is the best thing I have heard so far". My family had her and her husband over for supper one night and enjoyed their company outside the "religious" arena. So,if anyone here can assist me in assisting them please help. I want to see many learn the Truth and be free from the fears and the control of the organization.

    Thank-you all for your time!

  • blondie

    Nice to see you here, bound2fly2002. Why don't you start out with the subject/question that is baffling you most. Many here can help you find the Bible support that will make these JW women do more than parrot what is in a WTS publication.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I think that to jws the "knowledge leads to life" idea means stuff about learning religious things (according to the wt of course). And I think it's an idea entertained by them because of something Paul said - 'salvation is to know Him'.

    But it isn't that like that - it's to know who He is - i.e. His Spirit - like when you meet someone that you just know is beautiful inside, somehow, but the most extreme case that you cannot even imagine. I don't know if someone can make you know this - He lets you know when He lets you know, you know. I will say though that with those who "know Him", there is a longing to leave, leave the body - go see Him where He is you know.


  • TTBoy

    I can't give you scriptural support but please research this religion (cult IMO) before you get too involved.

    Research the pedophile issues they have going on and how they deny them and don't handle them properly (BBC and Dateline programs). Also how they kick out members who goto the police with these issues.

    Also their hypocracy in condemning the UN for many years and then being a NGO of the UN for over ten years. Then they have lied and told their followers that it was for the purpose of having access to the UN library. Anyone can access this library.

    Watch all the videos provided on this site and then ask youself:

    Are all these people lying or are the Jehovah's Witnesses? Do I want to learn the "truth" from an organization like this (after veiwing the BBC and Dateline programs)? Only you can answer that.

    I applaud you with using the internet to research this .org because you will see that they (not straight out) say the internet is evil and you shouldn't waste your time on it. Hmmmm I wonder why? I believe the Sept '99 Kindom Ministry had an insert on the internet. It shouldn't be hard to find.

    Good Luck to ya - and inform yourself


  • larc

    bound, your question was very general. Perhaps, it would help if you gave some spefic questions that you would like to discuss with the Witnes woman. I agree with the others. You really need to do a lot of research on this religion, so you know what some of the major issues are.

  • garybuss

    Hi bound,

    Apocalyptic groups are usually based on one of two formats. One is science fiction and, two, is religious fiction. The Witnesses base theirs on religious fiction.

    Religious fiction, like science fiction requires assumptions, like the assumption that extraterrestrials actually do exist. The way to deal with a science fiction believer is not to debate how many fingers are on the hand of a extraterrestrial. The way to deal with them is to question the assumption that the extraterrestrial does in fact exist.

    Seek out the assumptions and ask the believer to objectively prove the assumptions.

    My guess is you are probably operating on a baseline of assumptions close to the JW recruiters own. Before you can question the core assumptions of the JW's you will need to deal with your own assumptions and confirm those or eliminate them.

    The story book is absolutely the wrong place to challenge a story.

    You might want to pick up a copy of The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan and read it as a starting point.

    Best wishes.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    hi bound,, first i say look around the net ther are so many ways to baffle the jw's it a trip..i like faslse prophecies..the wt teaches now that they were choosen by jesus in 1919 after jesus returned in 1914 . after a 3 year inspection of all the religions from 1914-1918 jesus choose the wt. now here's the stumper...say you want to have studies on all the old wt books from that time ..the time is at hand ,finished mystery, thy kingdom come, millium dawn, battle of armagettom,,etc. you only want to study wt's up till test if jesus really choose the wt in 1918-19... prove all things true james 4-17 this point they may refer you to the proclaimers book..don't go for it.. next to no jw's today have read any of these books fill of false prophecy.. i'll give you some dates the wt set..1776 98 99 1829 31 45 72 73 74 75 78 81 1905-7 10-12 14 15 18 20 21 25 32 41 51 54 75 86 84 95 2000 some heavy research on wt false prophecy on the net..once you get this info you can show the jw's how the new wt mag's call these books full of false prophecy bible truth ..i'll leave you with a new wt lie in oct 1 2002 wt in pg 25 it says that dad read the book millions living will never die in 1929 it was the greatest thing he ever read... well that booklet said that the world was to end in 1925.. do you see what i'm saying... the wt lies all the time knowing jw's have never read these books..good luck .....john

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