to Lark

by jurs 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    Lark its 10:30 where I live and I'm exhausted but I know I won't sleep well till I tell you I'm sorry. I don't feel very good about the way I talked to you. Also I love trivia and would like to know about the Essens. Although if you choose to hold out on me I can just go look it up. HaHa..... I'm going to bed now . I hope I didn't upset you too much. jurs

  • StinkyPantz

    You should email him

  • jurs

    good idea

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I would so love to get a message like that jurs. What a nice message.


  • larc

    Dear jurs,

    You did not upset me at all. You are a good person and you mean well. God Bless you. Now, the Essens were a religious sect who headed for the hills because they were under persecusion (sp?). What they did is put Bible manuscripts in the caves nearby, and parts of them have survived to this day. Their copies of Bible texts are the oldest in existence and showed the accuracy of the later manuscripts. Their Bible manuscripts are known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. You can do a search on the computer on the Essens or the Dead Sea Scrolls and find more information. Sleep well.

  • riz

    Beck, its 10:30 where I live and I'm exhausted but I know I won't sleep well till I tell you I'm sorry. I don't feel very good about the way I talked to you. Also I love trivia and would like to know about the Essens. Although if you choose to hold out on me I can just go look it up. HaHa..... I'm going to bed now . I hope I didn't upset you too much. love, riz

  • jurs

    Lark and Riz,

    HUG HUG HUG Thanks Lark for the response !!!!!! I really am going to bed now!!! Laura

  • riz

    hey laura, i was hoping you'd get a giggle out of that. (((hugs to everyone)))

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Dear riz

    You really did hurt me with your cutting words, but this is the internet and I should really try and deal with my emotions right now. I want to thank you for your apology, it felt 'fake' somehow...oh I should get some much needed rest...I think I am just over reacting...I'm feeling a little emotion right I better go and reflect on what has been said between us. ((riz))


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