I need help posting scanned pics

by TTBoy 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TTBoy

    I would like to post some pics of myself and other things for a kind of backround slide show. Does anyone know how to transfer scanned pics to here. I know how to add atachments to an e-mail but have no clue how I could possibly have others access a file/folder of pics I have scanned.

    This board has captured my attention and would like to show some pics. I'm sure peeps think I'm full of poo from some of my posts and thread starts. More than willing to back up what I've said...IE a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Anyone who knows how I could post a folder of scanned pics let me know, I'd appreciate it.

  • TTBoy

    Thx Jim! I'll ask my ISP tommorow. One other thing I have no idea about, is pasting the web address. I may get my pics on a site but have idea how to actually direct someone to it through a post. I just learned how to make smily faces so any help would be greately appreciated.

    Yea .................I'm a noob.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    . I'm sure peeps think I'm full of poo from some of my posts and thread starts.

    LOL no one thinks that I'm sure, but that cracked me up.

    Check out this thread done by SYN


    Should help you out a bit...the point is, you have to upload your pics onto a website on the net, this acts as a form of storage. Once the pic is uploaded onto a website, you save it, then right click on the image, and scroll down to "properties". The information in properties is a link which will bring that image into your post on here...so copy the info or link in properties and paste it into your post. Good luck.

    If you don't have any joy with strike9.com try 20megsfree.com and create a free homepage, this is a template type of home page so its nice and easy to use. Email me if you have any probs okay.


  • Stephanus

    It'll be good to have someone else posting stupid pics here!

  • abbagail


    Here's another "Newbie Education Page" thread from about two months ago or so:

    And Bill (silentlambs) uses webshots http://community.webshots.com/ for his pics, and it seems like a pretty nice site. They have free photo-hosting and then the premium (fee-based) photo-hosting.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    You're welcome btw...sheesh!

  • TTBoy

    Thx all for the help - I'll give it a shot. Anyone (like farkel) who would like some pics....e-mail me I know to scan and attach that way. Thank you again.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Strike9.com is a good place to host your pic's also.Follow the instructions in the above threads. they work perfectly.


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