Belgian government survey report

by Motema Bolingo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    The Belgian authorities are preparing a survey-report about Jehovah's Witnesses activities in our country.

    They mention in their report that, in a congregation, the Body of elders represents locally the autority of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Brooklyn).

    I hear that the Belgian Bethel tell them that it is not true. They say : The Body of elders represents locally the autority of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Brooklyn).

    Did they change their names in the States ?

    Thank you for your help


  • Celia

    Bonsoir Jacques !

    I know there have been posts discussing this name change - Did a quick search but couldn't find anything, Sorry !

    How are things in Belgium ?


  • Elsewhere

    The name "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" is correct. That is one of the major new corporations formed after a major corporate restructure.

    What they are saying about the body of elders having local authority is a LIE. The WTS tells people this all the time. But the simple fact of the matter is that anytime the elders need to do something of significance, they HAVE to call the Service or Legal department. This fact can be verified by reading BOE letters, and the fact that they must follow the instructions in the "Flock" book - word for word.

    Any congregation that is found to be acting in a manner that is truly independent will be declared apostate and disbanded.

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    Hello Celia !

    Things are not too bad in Belgium.

    Our Minister of Foreign Affairs is just in NY visiting the United Nations. His last discourse clearly shows that Belgium is not at all in agreement with the political views of Bush. We are a small country, but Brussels is the European Capital and all the main decisions are taken there.

    Pour nous, c'est une bonne nouvelle !

    I intend to write you this week.


    Thank you, Elsewhere, for your quick information. Very helpful, because we have a meeting with some official authorities tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon.

    Greetings - Jacques

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