Has any apostate ever lied at a JC about being apostate?

by purrpurr 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I watched/ listened to the brave and courageous souls on YouTube who bravely recorded their JC's. You really see a different and horrid side to the elders there. It might sound whimpy but I don't think I would be able to stand strong like those guys did. I think under their twisting reasoning and interrogation I would just crumble.

    I wonder if anyone has ever got into that situation and then lied about being apostate just to keep in with their family etc?

    I'm being very careful in what I do and say so that I don't get discovered. That's all, you can go ahead and call me a whimp now...

  • The_Doctor10
    I'm keeping my head low, just slowly fading away is all... There may come a time when I outspokenly oppose the organization, but for now, the slow fade is working for me.
  • FadingTruth

    You need to remember that according to the GB, it's okay to withhold truth:

    From WT library

    *** it-2 p. 245 Lie ***
    While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. Jesus Christ counseled: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open.” (Mt 7:6) That is why Jesus on certain occasions refrained from giving full information or direct answers to certain questions when doing so could have brought unnecessary harm. (Mt 15:1-6; 21:23-27; Joh 7:3-10) Evidently the course of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, and Elisha in misdirecting or in withholding full facts from nonworshipers of Jehovah must be viewed in the same light.

    I would say elders are included as those not entitled to know the personal aspects of your life.
  • ctrwtf

    I'm reminded of the line from The Departed. "The FBI (insert elders) are like mushrooms. Feed them shit and keep them in the dark."

    Simply put. They don't deserve the truth They actively withhold the truth from those whom they deem undeserving. They should be treated the same.

    Remember that you are a far better person than any elder sitting on any body. Best wishes to you

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Yes. You can lie to men who are seeking to separate you from your family and friends. Men who will virtually end your life.

    If a murderer came into your home and asked if your child was in the back yard you would not have to answer truthfully. You do not have to be truthful with murderers and thieves. It is the same with a judicial committee.

    If you believe it may some day come to that I strongly suggest you think about what you will say, how you will answer. Give it serious thought in order that you are not caught unprepared.

    Hoping all the best for you and your family,


  • Bonsai

    I refuse to be called or accept that I am an apostate. I know some here wear the title like a badge of honor or courage, but I find the label offensive, childish, mid-evil age and all around despicable. In order for you to be an apostate, they would first have to have truth on their side. They are the ones who have protected pedophiles, engaged in false prophecy, implemented harmful, Pharisaical policies etc.

    If and when I ever have to go to a JC, I'll be sure to make their ears bleed before it's done and over with. If it comes to the point where you are being ushered into a JC meeting, in almost all instances, they have already lined up witnesses against you and the game is up. Make sure to confirm this, though. If they DONT have witnesses against you, and are just playing on a hunch, then it would be appropriate to withhold pertinent information from them. If they do have the 2,3 witnesses then there is no reason to lie my friend. Don't give the elders hard-ons by cowering before them.

  • Crazyguy
    I no longer believe the Bible to be the word of God but I have a way better understanding of what the new testament writers were going for. And I can tell you in all certainty it's the elders that are the apostates.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    Bonsai an hour ago

    I refuse to be called or accept that I am an apostate. I know some here wear the title like a badge of honor or courage, but I find the label offensive, childish, mid-evil age and all around despicable. In order for you to be an apostate, they would first have to have truth on their side. They are the ones who have protected pedophiles, engaged in false prophecy, implemented harmful, Pharisaical policies etc.

    Good point!

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