JWs Lose Malpractice Lawsuit: Death Due To NoBlood

by ErieGuy 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ErieGuy

    HOWEVER, note that the hospital and another doctor had chickened out and paid $$$ settlements $$$ to the JWs:

  • Scully

    The article states:
    >>>"I never thought he was negligent," said Morris' attorney Raphael Martinez. "I feel he is an excellent doctor and performed within the standard of care."

    Robert Burger, who represents the Rampino family, disagreed.

    "We are disappointed that the jury didn't hold Morris to a higher standard of care," he said. "But the family is happy they brought it all the way to the end.<<<

    Why do JWs believe they are deserving of a "higher standard of care"??

    What does the average JW know about invasive cardiac surgery that they can dictate what the standard of care should or should not be??

    What does the average jury member know about invasive cardiac surgery that they can dictate what the standard of care should or should not be??

    This is just ridiculous.

    Love, Scully

  • avengers
    Senior Member
    Posts: 100
    Since: Jul 15, 2002
    Re: Lawrence Hughes Filing Lawsuit Against WBTS Sep 8, 2002 08:47


    As you continue to clearly demonstrate, YOU ARE AN IGNORANT FOOL, who now is contaminating a serious thread with your usual horseshit.

    I will not waste further time posting on your and DedFool's Masonic, illuminati or other ludicrous threads.

    ANYONE, and I repeat ANYONE who repeats that the WTS participates in any fashion in the manufacturing of miltary equipment, OR that the WTS "owns miliary stocks" is nthing but an IGNORANT FOOL. The fact that you and others are willing to misinterpret internet info so as to mislead uneducated people who will "bite" at anything potentially negative about the WTS MAKES YOU LOWER THAN BUG SHIT, not to mention that the WTS is now able to use your drivel to PROVE that "apostates" will use any means to falsely slander the WTS.

    As I have stated previously, I don't condone the WTS's "conditional ownership" of stock in a corporation which in turn owns stock in another corp, which in turn owns stock in another corp that does military business. THOSE FACTS are sufficient for me to conemn the WTS.

    But, NO, simply explaining the TRUTH is not good enough for you scumbags. NO, you have to turn TRUTH into a LIE.

    Well, go shit in your own house, and leave this righteous thread alone.

    [ Profile Above ]
    Re: Lawrence Hughes Filing Lawsuit Against WBTS Sep 8, 2002 09:57

    Lawrence announces that he will open his own website:



    You will have to CUT/PASTE into your browser all of the URL.

    (Not embedding so as to not increase thread's loadtime.)

    Edited by - ErieGuy on 8 September 2002 10:6:48

  • avengers

    Nice guy this Erie fellow.

  • ErieGuy

    Avengers, DedDaisey, and Gerard are LYING FOOLS, who are the the BEST ALLIES the WTS has on the internet.

  • hawkaw

    All right - we all have our moments of glory.

    Lets cool out guys.

    This is a good and very interesting news story.

    Thanks for finding the information


  • sf


    'Make sure of ALL things'. 'In due time', ALL WILL BE REVEALED.

    We are all here, 'digging' for that 'Nugget' in the 'mine'. No one's 'shovel' is to be minimized. Each WILL DIG, no matter how little or how much one's 'tool' is capable. This is NOT a competition. Let's work together to 'dig' to the Watchtower's Kore. THIS 'GEM' IS A HUGE 'FIND' IN THIS 'EXCAVATION'. Let's keep digging! And posting our REWARDS!

    (steps off podium)sKally

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Their hope was to affect the way medicine is practiced

    Maybe jws should send their children to university instead of accusing people and waiting on others to become 'jehovah' and deliver medical knowledge.

  • biblexaminer

    Question: Which damages the WTS more, those who misrepresent facts, or those who, siding with the WTS, behave like trash.

  • outnfree
    "It was just a very sad situation," Martinez said. "You have to respect other people's faith and wishes but, then again, also accept the consequences."

    This is what the family failed to do. JW's insist on making the physician's job even more difficult than it already is (especially with so much heart tissue previously damaged), and then they get upset when their blood stance causes complications and death that were needless.

    Note, too, that this JW-blood-policy-victim had a heart complaint for SEVEN YEARS before surgery was performed. Why the delay? Could it have been the fear of having bloodless heart surgery as required by her religion?

    Too pitiful all the way around!


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