A Renewed Friendship After 10 Years

by confuzzlediam 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • confuzzlediam

    A little background first....I have been dating my boyfriend for a year. Both of us are disfellowshipped. We attended the same congregation 7+ years ago when we were both married. He ended up divorcing his then wife, then getting disfellowshipped some time after. He would attend meetings once in a while after that, but stopped going all together.

    Fast forward to a year ago. I had recently (three months prior) left my husband of 25 years and had joined an online dating site for shits and giggles. Within a week or 2 of joining the site, I found him and messaged him to say hello. We met up that night as I had a fire going in my back yard and ended up talking till 3am. We have not stopped talking since!! BTW...I had always had a small crush on him, but of course i kept that to myself, because we were both married.

    Since we have started dating, he has mentioned to me that he really doesn't have any guy friends that he can talk to or hang out with. There are a few at work that he talks to and has gone out once with one of them. I have a small group of friends (4 of us total) that plan to get together once a month or so for a girls night out. Last Saturday was my girls night out. We all got tattoos!! It was a blast! The next morning, my boyfriend mentioned that he needed to find a friend that he could hang out with and that he missed his best friend from years ago because they just got each other. Something he has mentioned on and off since we started dating.

    WELL....later that morning, he received an email from that friend, whom he had not spoken to for about 10 years!!! WOW!!! I was SO excited that he was wanting to get in touch with my boyfriend! How crazy we were just talking about him needing to find a friend AND talking about this particular friend and how much he missed their friendship!!! His friend left his phone number saying he would like to talk. My boyfriend ended up calling him and they talked for close to two hours!!

    My boyfriend still holds on to some, not all, of the JW beliefs. I don't question his beliefs, but make sure I am clear with mine. While he was talking to his friend, who had recently been disfellowshipped, his friend started talking about the things he was finding out about the WTS!! My heart was full and I couldn't help but think that maybe his friend would help him see the BS that the society is filled with and maybe change his mind about some things. IF there is a God...which I am sometimes doubtful, then this friend was a God send to my boyfriend. It makes my heart happy to see him and his best friend reunited!!! I look forward to them talking more and getting together with each other. When my boyfriend talks about his friend, he has a smile on his face and that means the world to me.

    Thanks for sticking around and reading this far! I know this was a long post, but I don't have many I can talk to about this who would understand why this means SO SO much to me on different levels!!

    MAYBE this friend is on this site and reads my post... If so... thank you for reaching out!! As I said earlier, it means the world to me to see my boyfriend happy to have connected with you once again!

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's a great story. Thanks for sharing it.

    I think many JWs (former JWs) have difficulty developing new friends because they/we lack the skills due to the fact that in the past we had "automatic" friends. Everyone in the Cong is your "friend". All other JWs are your "friends". WOW! Making friends seems SO EASY.

    Then we find out that they were not real friends. Their friendship was conditional. At the first sign of your "spiritual weakness" they became somewhat distant. As you faded and perhaps became inactive you were seen as "weak" and no longer as "good association". If you were DFd, you lost all those "friends" immediately.

    In the real world, you find out there is no such thing as automatic friends. It takes time and it takes effort. And you have to learn how to be a real friend too.


  • confuzzlediam
    Thanks for reading it through and responding!! That is SO very true!! I hadn't thought of it that way. One of the reasons I am so excited about this is because they have a former friendship in common in addition to a former belief system. Both together will hopefully strengthen their bond!
  • PaintedToeNail

    Very nice post. Thanks for sharing.

  • JWdaughter
    I'm happy for all of you!
  • Magwitch
    So nice to read this post. Thank you so much for sharing. I am so happy for you.
  • Vidiot

    Serendipity in action.

    You should introduce your BF's buddy to your girlfriends.

    Maybe he and one of them will hit it off.

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