Frontline: Secret State of North Korea

by freemindfade 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade

    This is an interesting documentary just watched on Netflix. See if you can pick out all the similarities between North Korea, and the High Control

    1. Defecting (leaving) not allowed
    2. Regular (I think it was even weekly) meeting of indoctrination, if you are absent it is noticed and you become suspect. 
    3. All your actions being under close scrutiny by not only the regime, but friends and associates. 
    4. Opinions against the regime punishable
    5. Leaders own uncle shared differing ideas and he was cut off (killed)
    6. Outside information and contact are strictly controlled
    7. And so much more....
  • Simon

    North Korea is indeed a strange place. Another similarity with the WTS is that everyone else knows so little about it and normally has very little interest in it other than when some of their stupid manages to grab attention in the news. With the WTS it's normally a child dying because of blood or increasingly, legal issues over child abuse.

    Churchill's description of Russia would seem to apply to North Korea now:

    "It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"

  • smiddy

    Their was a documentary I saw on TV about a young man who was born in a { concentration ? } camp to prisoners of the NK regime ,Over the years he was tortured so  many times that his limbs , both arms and legs suffered deformities .He eventually escaped the camp realising however his parents would have suffered because of his escape.

    I wish I could remember the title of the program , can anybody help ? I think it was shown on SBS ,or ABC TV here in australia last year .


  • OrphanCrow
    "It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"

    I read a book recently that gives a look inside the North Korean regime from the perspective of a young boy that grows up inside that country.

    The Orphan Master's Son was one of the most disturbing novels I have read.


    The GB face "The Dicator's Dilema". They must allow the outside world in, or Mother dies. Doing so requires a regime change, but they must not lose control of the "State".  Who or what will be sacrificed for the "State"?? Maybe it's Gerrit Loesch??

    Rebranding can be a real bee-otch!!


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