Thinking about Bill Bowen...

by Dia 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dia

    It's interesting that they have disfellowshipped him (and them) now.

    Bill is appealing to be reinstated, right? And he also has plans for a very public protest march in the very near future.

    Can't you see them putting him between a rock and a hard place by dangling his reinstatement over his cancelling the protest?

    Don't cave, Bill. This opportunity will not present again.

    You've committed no evil and are not guilty of any wrongdoing.

    Criminals and sinners LOVE to try to put the blame on their victims.

  • rocky220

    It seems to me that this is a wonderful opportunity to go all the way [without membership restrictions] you know, gloves are now off. My philosophy has always been, if your going to send me to hell, i might as well enjoy the ride and take you with me!


  • maximumflash
    It seems to me that this is a wonderful opportunity to go all the way [without membership restrictions] you know, gloves are now off. My philosophy has always been, if your going to send me to hell, i might as well enjoy the ride and take you with me!


    I agree rocky 100%. I have heard that there are a lot of people that are going to participate in the march. If you are one of them, I would go along with the plan regardless of the outcome. Show your strength and beliefs. This kind of coverage is just what the WT does not want.

    Bill, I hope that you can participate in the march as well. I know of at least two people that are anxious to meet you in person. We are supporting you and your efforts to the end.

  • Crystal

    From what I understand...Bill is leading the march.

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