by sisteract 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sisteract

    anyone from martha's vineyard congregation? that's pretty much where it all began with me and the "TRUTH" , would love to chat regarding people, places and things from times past. i walked out back in 1997 (i was not living on the island at that time), and would love to hear from only those that have also left the JW"s from the island. please reply at this post if you want.


  • HoChiMin

    Sister Act;

    I'm not from the island but have been there many times and know some large families from there.

    >>" and would love to hear from only those that have also left the JW"s from the island. "<<

    Sorry I'm answering and not "from" the island. Why limit the responses you get?


  • sisteract


    thanks for replying--your're right i shouldnt limit my replies. jo eldredge studied with me back in the early 80's, and i knew that family pretty well and their kids jason and their daughter's name i forget. i knew the flanders clan quite well. sherry flanders who is married to carl was a pretty good friend of mine . suzie and rob watters i knew very well as we came into the truth at about the same time and we were the same age. joanne diamond and i used to be roommates. also vi landers was a sweetheart. doug keeler married a good friend of mine kelly mass (formerly penelope mass) and her eccrentric mother(sister mass) who died of breast cancer back in 1985 i knew well.. lori flanders was about the same age as me, and a good friend to me at the time. also, i knew lanie bonito and her husband who died of a heartattack a few years ago. she is part owner of linda jeans restuarant in oak bluffs where i used to waitress at one time. chris and nancy rohr (he was an elder and she a pioneer) i think that's their last name,. sister drummand, and the sister who owned the sundog clothing store in edgartown(can't remember her name ). then there's francois and denise (he was a professional tailor and she a pioneer), woody and anna flanders and their kids, then there was roger and ? they had about 4 daughters one whose name is melody and another was layla. tim and janet mclean and his family(altho i heard he left the jw's), it's been about 16 years since i was there. i was only 20 when i began to study and these people impacted my life greatly. it took alot for me to finally go, and i wonder about others and if they're still in and all. i know other names will come to me. it's been a long time since i've given any thought about them. thanks so much for replying. i'll look forward to hearing from you. i'm kind of new at this. my email is:

    [email protected]

  • coffee_black

    Hi sisteract!

    I lived there for a while many years ago... but you already knew that. Remember the Spragues?

    And Sister Deloach? We met in a tiny building on a sidestreet. Had to give a student talk just about every week because there were so few people.


  • sisteract


    thanks for the reply---oh god do i remeber sister delouch!!!! she and i used to be roommates for circuit assemblies and such. she liked me alot and had alot to say about everybody. her daughter had some problems, and. i remember meeting her and feeling afraid. sister delouch was so spunky!!! she wore a wig and had fake teeth and she looked so different when we went to sleep staying over for the assembly. i remember thinking that. she looked awesome when she was all done up but her appearance changed completely at bedtime!!! it's funny the things you remember. i was trying to think of her name earlier but couldn't .

    thanks, sisteract

  • HoChiMin

    Wow, sisteract;

    All the ones you mention and more I recognize. Some WERE close friends, I may even recognize you by sight, or better yet you might know me wouldn't that be a hoot?

    See you at the next apostofest.


  • sisteract


    which apostofests do you attend? i've been to RI and MA

  • bittersweet


    I'm not from the island,but I'm from the cape if that counts.some of the names sound familiar.lori flnders as in lorianne?if it's the same I know her,my sister is still friends with her.I was in the Falmouth cong.,but the only time I ever went to MV was for a beach party(back when I was a teen in the80's)....course we would've gone to the same assemblies in Natick.e-mail me if you's in my profile.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Sisteract, CC and I went on our honeymoon at Martha's Vinyard! We loved it too! We live in Nashville and had always gone south for vacations, so we wanted to go north for a change! We want to visit again one of these days. =:o)

  • sisteract

    thanks for posting bittersweet and tinkerbell

    hey where did you stay for your honeymoon tinkerbell? i lived in vineyard haven for a time and also edgartown. it really is a beautiful place but holds so many memories of me starting in the truth and slowly losing my own thought processes. i quit college and began to pioneer there at 20. what a waste!!!! i would like to finnish my education some day, but right now i'm working and trying to support myself. that group took alot from me and i don't want them to take anymore. it certainly has been one hell of a ride leaving the organization. but FREEDOM has been worth it.

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