Rachel Dolezal -- "unexpected firestorm"?

by Marvin Shilmer 2 Replies latest social current

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    By now most readers here are aware of the Rachel Dolezal story. (The white woman in "blackface" according to Ezra Dolezal, the adopted son of Rachel Dolezal's biological parents)

    Today she resigned from her leadership position inside the NAACP. This is no surprise. She really had no choice, and I'm sure NAACP leadership made this clear to her over the past few days. Born (or grew up) in a teepee? Hunted food with bows and arrows growing up? Lived several years in Africa? These are among things allegedly asserted by Rachel Dolezal yet each is disputed by family members who should know, and this is not even the serious stuff; this is just stuff that's no more than stupid to invent!

    Then comes today. In her resignation letter she speaks of the recent controversy calling it an "unexpected firestorm"?

    I'm sorry. This lady is sick, and I'm not being facetious. She is really sick. Additionally, she's hurt folks she claims as her own people, and black females in particular. How can this whole thing blowing up in her face be an "unexpected firestorm"? What did she think was going to happen, ultimately? Her own brother (adopted) says a few years ago she told him not to blow her cover. So she knew there was a bombshell there waiting to explode.

    Individuals like this make me wonder what on earth are people thinking these days?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, I commented on Simon's thread about this. Ms Dolezal has definitely given me a good laugh this weekend.

    I'm glad to see that she's seen sense and resigned from the NAACP. The decent thing to do is resign from her uni post, too. Hopefully this will put an end to all this 'trans-race' bullshit I've been reading about this past few days.

    I actually feel sorry for this women, and hope she can apologise, take her punishment, move on, and earn a decent, honest living elsewhere.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    I actually feel sorry for this women, ...

    Me too. I hope she finds a productive way forward. People tend to be forgiving, and I'm sure she can move forward if she wants. She might have to find another place to express her enthusiasm other than racial issues. At least for the time being. But she's gonna need some professional help. Something's compelling her to make up all this stupid stuff she's been making up for years, and she'll have to find out what it is and manage it.

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