Good legal news for Canadian XJW's

by Kismet 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kismet

    I just heard on the news tonight that one of the chief advocates for Jehovah's Witnesses on the Supreme Court of Canada has retired!

    The Honourable Madame Justice Claire Heureux Dube has retired from the bench.

    She began her career as an articling student for a Montreal based law firm which was used by the Society and the then very young Glen How to defend them in the matters durrounding the actions of the very anti-JW premier (similar to the US governor) of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis.

    So as a very young woman she was spoon fed all the rhetoric of the then persecuted JW's. Glen has maintained a regular correspondence with her. Though to her credit she maintained a certain judiciary aloofness in her replies.

    However her respect for Glen How (and subsequently the JW's) was extremely manifest in her deference to him in any of his Supreme Court appearances.

    That element and any of her potential influence (in favour of the Witnesses) on the other Justices outside of the courtroom has now been removed with her retirement.

    I personally think she has been a very good representative of the People of Canada on the Supreme Court but still feel this can work well to the keeping a level playing field in the Supreme Court for any action former JW's may take to this high court.


    Edited by - Kismet on 10 June 2002 23:43:30

    Edited by - Kismet on 10 June 2002 23:43:59

  • VioletAnai

    Hey Kismet,

    Did you eva get to the bottom of the Eden Outpost mystery?

    THAT was strange!

    Edited by - VioletAnai on 11 June 2002 0:35:17

  • Kismet

    It is being handled by my lawyer.

    Thanks for asking.


  • Scully


    The timing of this event is very interesting too. I wonder if this news will have any impact on Shunned Dad's case? The last I heard was that the WTS was going to appeal to the Supreme Court - perhaps they will think twice if they know that the one person who might be on their side is no longer there.

    Love, Scully

  • orangefatcat

    Hi Kism et,

    Thank you for the information on the legal eagle. Its always interesting to keep abreast of news like this.

    I hope you have been keeping well Kismet. I am still looking forward to meeting you one day.



    I don't know how to change the colour back to black print could some one tell me please.

  • hawkaw

    All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, Gonthier, Major and LeBel.

    She is NOT hearing the leave to appeal.


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